Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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He has one leg shorter than

He has one leg shorter than the other and doesn't always wear his platform shoe? :)

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RE: Or the two ladies


Or the two ladies found out about each other and what Bill was up to. So they muck about with the timetables ( they rang up Phil and David ), just to screw up the guy's head.

Assuming I found myself in the above predicament (Reference - earlier dream interpretation discussions )
The above piece of Intel would cause me to Flee at a Very Very high rate of speed !
In fact - I'd have to Ring Anniet and request a lift in the Mad Max machine )



Alternatively Bill lives on a really quite small planet, with an asymmetric Weyl curvature tensor. Then one day it passes by a black hole ....

You are correct ...I live on Mars (remember) early Orion capsule testee )


Chris S
Chris S
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Mike is on the right track

Mike is on the right track (pun intended) and has the right principle, but opposte! I rather like all the other solutions as well :-))

Annie's platform shoe was a nifty pun, as was Mike's stuff this for a lark!

Just expand a bit on Mikes idea .....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Oh, I guess that leaves the

Oh, I guess that leaves the possibility that the downtown ones are going way faster than the uptowns. They will traverse the entire line, end to end, much quicker per given train. This could even leave significant time intervals where the line has no downtown train in service at all.

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Actually I think there may be an infinity of solutions here, all satisfying the problem statement. It could be a mix of several mechanisms achieving twice as many uptown vs downtown transits on random departures, but holding to the same number of trains ( as a daily rate ) going both ways.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

David S
David S
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How about, he always goes

How about, he always goes during the same rush hour, when the majority of trains are going uptown because that's where the majority of people are going at that time of day. If he went in the morning, he would visit the downtown girl more than Christie Brinkley.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: ...... If he went in

...... If he went in the morning, he would visit the downtown girl more than Christie Brinkley.

No Way ! Christie Brinkley still looks fantastic at age 60 !


Chris S
Chris S
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Hehehe, some ingenious

Hehehe, some ingenious solutions :-) But remember the statement "There are an equal number of trains in both directions".

There is one train per hour in each direction at Bill's station. The uptown train arrives at 10 minutes to the hour, and the downtown train arrives at 10 minutes past the hour. If Bill arrives in the 20 minute time slot between the two trains, the next one will be the downtown train. If he arrives in the remaining 40 minute slot, the nest train will be the uptown one.

With random arrival times, simple statistics will say that he is twice as likely to arrive in the 40 minute slot than the 20 minute slot, and therefore get the uptown train twice as often. Mike was on to the basic idea :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Chris S
Chris S
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Ok, let's try this one. We

Ok, let's try this one.

We have two identical glass jars, with equal volumes in each, and not quite full to the brim. Jar 1 contains black ink, jar 2 contains water. We take 1 teaspoonful of the ink and put it in the water jar and thoroughly stir the mixture. We then take 1 teaspoonful of that mixture from the water jar and put it back in the ink jar.

The question is, which jar is the most contaminated, or if you like the most pure, compared to their original contents, the ink or the water?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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Contaminated before you mixed

Contaminated before you mixed them or after?

Either way, the water is still the purest even after you add the teaspoon of ink.

Ink, depending on it's consistency can be anywhere from an oil to an emulsion. So by it's nature it is a contaminate.

Adding water to it dilutes it some but not of any significant amount.

Adding ink to the water dilutes it into the entire amount but when compared to the glass of ink is no where near as contaminated.

My 2 cents...

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Good points Zalster :) but

Good points Zalster :) but I'm going to go with the water being more contaminated because we put some of the ink back in the ink :)))))))

edit: and whilst I would never have drunk the ink but I would have drunk the water - now I'm not going to drink either... because of the ink... and you can't make me!! No! :) I won't! :)

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