Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well I looked up online

Well I looked up online 'OpenReach' ( allegedly BT's fixit brigade ) - for a laugh and to see if I could help with Richard's drooping problem - and found this ( my red emphasis ) :

If you have a fault with your phone or broadband, or wish to arrange an installation, you must call your service provider...

and so, straight off the bat as it were, I perceive a source of grave difficulty.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Well I looked up


Well I looked up 'OpenReach' ( allegedly BT's fixit brigade ) - for a laugh and to see if I could help with Richard's drooping problem - and found this ( my red emphasis ) :

If you have a fault with your phone or broadband, or wish to arrange an installation, you must call your service provider...

and so, straight off the bat as it were, I see the source of much difficulty.

Cheers, Mike.

*voluntarily submit to straitjacket, willingly leap into padded cell AND.... begin foaming at mouth...*


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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Oh dear. My apologies indeed.

Oh dear. My apologies indeed. I appear to have blithely struck at the very nexus of the agony, poked the raw nerve of logical discord, and precipitated a neurological event not unlike my Cleesey occasions. I have never done that to anybody before, not even during taser 'free practise' sessions. Does anyone know if she will recover ? I do hope Annie does have others at her abode whom are familiar with managing this .... err, condition ... until full recovery.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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RE: Well I looked up online


Well I looked up online 'OpenReach' ( allegedly BT's fixit brigade ) - for a laugh and to see if I could help with Richard's drooping problem - and found this ( my red emphasis ) :

If you have a fault with your phone or broadband, or wish to arrange an installation, you must call your service provider...

and so, straight off the bat as it were, I perceive a source of grave difficulty.

Cheers, Mike.

Exactly so. Even though both organisations are part of "British Telecommunications PLC, registered no. 1800000, registered office 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ", there is supposedly a world of difference between BT (my service provider) and Openreach (aka BT wholesale). Officially, I'm not allowed to talk to Openreach - but in reality, they're a friendly enough bunch if you happen to come across one of them down its burrow on your way to the newsagent or sandwich shop.

What they won't do - in reality, can't do, because they're as much in the dark as the rest of us - is give any clue about forward plans. And BT retail are as much use as the proverbial chocolate teapot. I rang up once to try and place an order, and spoke to a lovely lady in Cornwall (300 miles to the south-west) - who was charmingly sympathetic, but had no knowledge at all of the local geography, and could only read 'computer says no' off her screen. I have notes that the service in question (Fibre to the cabinet) was first scheduled to be available by 31 December 2011 - and the south bank of the canal got theirs round about that time. But us northbankers are still waiting.

(mind you, the only alternative - the fully private capitalist cable TV industry - surveyed the village and planned their coax rollout before I moved to this house 21 years ago. We're still waiting for that to happen too)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well they could use a cable

Well they could use a cable gun :

... accurately up to 120 ft in just one shot ....

and so with the laser sight they would hit your cabinet without trouble ( just leave the dining room window open ). I recall that Vercingetorix was the first to use them when outflanking the Romans via unexpected river crossings. So there is quite probably some BT engineer expertise still available from that period.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 6 Feb 14
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RE: Oh dear. My apologies


Oh dear. My apologies indeed. I appear to have blithely struck at the very nexus of the agony, poked the raw nerve of logical discord, and precipitated a neurological event not unlike my Cleesey occasions. I have never done that to anybody before, not even during taser 'free practise' sessions. Does anyone know if she will recover ? I do hope Annie does have others at her abode whom are familiar with managing this .... err, condition ... until full recovery.

Cheers, Mike.

*five elephant tranquiliser darts (administered by SAS helicopter) later* ... I-'-m...f-i-n-e...n-o-w... , ...r-e-a-l-l-y :)

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RE: RE: Oh dear. My


Oh dear. My apologies indeed. I appear to have blithely struck at the very nexus of the agony, poked the raw nerve of logical discord, and precipitated a neurological event not unlike my Cleesey occasions. I have never done that to anybody before, not even during taser 'free practise' sessions. Does anyone know if she will recover ? I do hope Annie does have others at her abode whom are familiar with managing this .... err, condition ... until full recovery.

Cheers, Mike.

*five elephant tranquiliser darts (administered by SAS helicopter) later* ... I-'-m...f-i-n-e...n-o-w... , ...r-e-a-l-l-y :)

Is that what hit me months ago?
Trank darts???
No, I think it was MOD darts...LOL.
Really put me out of commission though.
I think they were really very timed release...very powerful stuff.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: Oh dear. My


Oh dear. My apologies indeed. I appear to have blithely struck at the very nexus of the agony, poked the raw nerve of logical discord, and precipitated a neurological event not unlike my Cleesey occasions. I have never done that to anybody before, not even during taser 'free practise' sessions. Does anyone know if she will recover ? I do hope Annie does have others at her abode whom are familiar with managing this .... err, condition ... until full recovery.

Cheers, Mike.

*five elephant tranquiliser darts (administered by SAS helicopter) later* ... I-'-m...f-i-n-e...n-o-w... , ...r-e-a-l-l-y :)

@Anniet: Australia calling Annie. Are you there ? Hello, calling Annie. Upright and with a pulse I hope .... just make sure you alternate with the breath-in/breath-out business.

.... I do feel quite the guilty one now. And you were sunning in the relaxed glow of a Nice Sushi Day Out too. Speaking from my safe distance DownUnda - glances over shoulder - I have seriously underestimated the flavor of the interaction b/w the general British populace and this fiendish engineering tribe.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 6 Feb 14
Posts: 1348
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RE: Australia calling

Australia calling Annie. Are you there ? Hello, calling Annie.

Upright and with a pulse I hope .... just make sure you alternate with the breath-in/breath-out business.

Monotonous and over-rated but... if you insist! :)


.... I do feel quite the guilty one now. And you were sunning in the relaxed glow of a Nice Sushi Day Out too. Speaking from my safe distance DownUnda - glances over shoulder - I have seriously underestimated the flavor of the interaction b/w the general British populace and this fiendish engineering tribe.

Cheers, Mike.

This "fiendish engineering tribe" is why 1666 happened. *nod knowingly* Forward thinking Londoners were telling us to stick to smoke signals for communicating with each other. They knew what was coming. They probably also knew that Royal Mail would be getting pet rocks to deliver our post too... :/ Obviously in their desperation to get the message across to us things got a little... out of hand...

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Since it's the christmas

Since it's the christmas season, something along that path... ;)

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