The best bits of the Rawleigh's sales pitch I think are :
"encouraging stubborn blisters to the surface"
"Former Pakistani international cricketer Zain Sheriff has found that by rubbing Antiseptic Salve into his cricket bat, the ball comes off the bat quicker and with a lot more power. His son Ali concurs."
For the former I can vouch. There is a many a blister that ( professionally ) I have failed to encourage in any way, shape or form. I am from the 'if in doubt, cut it out' generation of [strike]sadist[/strike] [strike]de-registered[/strike] surgeons.
Anyhow DownUnda use is manifold. Indeed if young Johnny has barked his knees - probably while playing cricket with a Rawleigh's sped up ball - a good parent will go to the shearing shed to get the very same tin of Rawleigh's as used upon the woollies. This disturbs no-one I might add*.
Cheers, Mike.
* though some sheep are disgruntled because of this cross-species use.
( edit )
singevalet - one in charge of burning iron-shaped holes in clothing, soft furnishings, car seats etc.
... at a minimum this contribution to Our Language should get a Pulitzer.
I have served as my own singevalet for years.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Vealegints - A type of trouser worn by young sheep. Not unlike 1970's flares, and as such has similiar negative connotation when the term is used by the older ewes.
Navelgeist - A state of mind brought about by a happy belly. Often mis-translated as 'thoughtful ship' or 'introspective orange'.
Vietgleans - An informative tour of South East Asia.
Stealeving - An ambiguous burglar or equivalently an unsuccessful one.
Getslavine - In these modern times : an online home help agency. Was a type of whip used in medieval conquests.
Lestangive - A old folk warning to eat your greens or else !
Vangeliste - A Chariots Of Fire acolyte.
Leavenstig - A racing driver's ex-girlfriend ( same as the verb form ie. to leavenstig )
Stingleave - A musician's holiday.
Slantvegie - A non-Cartesian* legume often served at general relativistic banquets. Not to be confused with :
Vegieslant - A method of market gardening practised in steep mountainous areas ( again identical to the verb form ie. to vegieslant )
Cheers, Mike.
* to be exact the contravariant form after contraction with the antisymmetric Levi-Civita indices.
( edit ) I find 'genetivals' has a discomforting sound to it, in a leg-crossing sort of way.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
I'm guessing this is some sort of rural ointment like Rawleigh's Man & Beast, a legend in our Outback. Generations of Aussie Bleeders have either sworn by it or sworn at it. Some buy this tincture by the ton ! It even cures The Hobble-Gobbles, Itchy Tharg, Prideful Gnats, Ephemeral Ecstasy or
... Over in the alien listening place... there is a locale where evil is wrought upon words and the sanity of all who enter there is left... jumbled :)
Instead of talking about the one over there, why don't we just start one here?
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
... Over in the alien listening place... there is a locale where evil is wrought upon words and the sanity of all who enter there is left... jumbled :)
Instead of talking about the one over there, why don't we just start one here?
What a very good idea David!! Go on then... :)
Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!
:))))))))))))))))))) MOST excellent! :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
RE: The leeward slopes of
Let it leave your mind and be replaced with "under the trampoline" for a cut of the profits :) cos moss is good... very good! :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
The best bits of the
The best bits of the Rawleigh's sales pitch I think are :
"encouraging stubborn blisters to the surface"
"Former Pakistani international cricketer Zain Sheriff has found that by rubbing Antiseptic Salve into his cricket bat, the ball comes off the bat quicker and with a lot more power. His son Ali concurs."
For the former I can vouch. There is a many a blister that ( professionally ) I have failed to encourage in any way, shape or form. I am from the 'if in doubt, cut it out' generation of [strike]sadist[/strike] [strike]de-registered[/strike] surgeons.
Anyhow DownUnda use is manifold. Indeed if young Johnny has barked his knees - probably while playing cricket with a Rawleigh's sped up ball - a good parent will go to the shearing shed to get the very same tin of Rawleigh's as used upon the woollies. This disturbs no-one I might add*.
Cheers, Mike.
* though some sheep are disgruntled because of this cross-species use.
( edit )
... at a minimum this contribution to Our Language should get a Pulitzer.
I have served as my own singevalet for years.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Try : Vealegints - A type
Try :
Vealegints - A type of trouser worn by young sheep. Not unlike 1970's flares, and as such has similiar negative connotation when the term is used by the older ewes.
Navelgeist - A state of mind brought about by a happy belly. Often mis-translated as 'thoughtful ship' or 'introspective orange'.
Vietgleans - An informative tour of South East Asia.
Stealeving - An ambiguous burglar or equivalently an unsuccessful one.
Getslavine - In these modern times : an online home help agency. Was a type of whip used in medieval conquests.
Lestangive - A old folk warning to eat your greens or else !
Vangeliste - A Chariots Of Fire acolyte.
Leavenstig - A racing driver's ex-girlfriend ( same as the verb form ie. to leavenstig )
Stingleave - A musician's holiday.
Slantvegie - A non-Cartesian* legume often served at general relativistic banquets. Not to be confused with :
Vegieslant - A method of market gardening practised in steep mountainous areas ( again identical to the verb form ie. to vegieslant )
Cheers, Mike.
* to be exact the contravariant form after contraction with the antisymmetric Levi-Civita indices.
( edit ) I find 'genetivals' has a discomforting sound to it, in a leg-crossing sort of way.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
RE: RE: tingsalvee :) I'm
So THAT's what he's handing-out.
For clarity, Rawleigh's
For clarity, Rawleigh's contains :
... so no smoking nearby then. I've also missed :
... lazy sods that they are. Plus :
... what a topologically clever ointment, eh ? None of that seeping right through to other side then. Then there is the apex of the argument :
... excepting the first hundred years, but do go on.
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
So what is the difference
So what is the difference between an ointment and a salve?
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
*gaze in admiration at Mike's
*gaze in admiration at Mike's dictionary expansion pack*
Samuel Whats-his-face would NEVER have kept up with your... invalegest proliferances :)))
Not the open air festival type? I will recall the singevalet... :)
As for that Rawlings bloke...
For something that "needs no mention" he don't half bang on about it
GOOD! Prompt action! I like it! :))))))))
Would take the Spanish inquisition to get ME to talk... :)
...or budge.
to borrow an answer from a certain mr tooth... YES! :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
RE: Would take the Spanish
Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: ... Over in the alien
Instead of talking about the one over there, why don't we just start one here?
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
RE: RE: ... Over in the
What a very good idea David!! Go on then... :)
:))))))))))))))))))) MOST excellent! :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.