Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: So what is the

So what is the difference between an ointment and a salve?

Hmmm ... a labeling issue I think : a salve might ( allegedly ) do you some good, whereas an ointment can be any old evil crud.

I once invented a universal solvent but I can't seem to find it now.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Actually there is no

Actually there is no difference between an ointment and a salve, they are all kinds of the same thing. A substance used to promote healing of the skin or as protection.

ointment, cream, balm, unction, unguent, balsam, pomade, rub, embrocation, emollient, liniment.

@Mike - There was this chap that invented the most powerful acid known to man but he couldn't find any container to hold it.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Chris S
Chris S
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Ok you clever lot try this

Ok you clever lot try this one.

Three men go to lunch at a restaurant. The total comes to $30, so each man pays $10. The manager realizes the bill should only be $25, so he asks the waiter to return $5 to the men. But the waiter pockets $2 and gives each man $1 back.

Each man now has $1 back in his pocket, meaning they each paid $9 for the meal. That comes to a total of $27, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket equalling $29. If the men originally handed over $30, what happened to the missing dollar?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Went to Canberra. The Magic

Went to Canberra. The Magic of The Taxman. Happens all the time DownUnda.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 29 Oct 10
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RE: Wiggo I glad to see you

Wiggo I glad to see you have landed here.

You never know where I may turn up on the net when I'm bored and it's too early for a beer (or 3). :-D


David S
David S
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RE: Ok you clever lot try


Ok you clever lot try this one.

Three men go to lunch at a restaurant. The total comes to $30, so each man pays $10. The manager realizes the bill should only be $25, so he asks the waiter to return $5 to the men. But the waiter pockets $2 and gives each man $1 back.

Each man now has $1 back in his pocket, meaning they each paid $9 for the meal. That comes to a total of $27, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket equalling $29. If the men originally handed over $30, what happened to the missing dollar?

Aaaagh! I used to know this one, but I can't remember it right now, or think it through all over again. Maybe later.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: Ok you clever lot try


Ok you clever lot try this one.

Three men go to lunch at a restaurant. The total comes to $30, so each man pays $10. The manager realizes the bill should only be $25, so he asks the waiter to return $5 to the men. But the waiter pockets $2 and gives each man $1 back.

Each man now has $1 back in his pocket, meaning they each paid $9 for the meal. That comes to a total of $27, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket equalling $29. If the men originally handed over $30, what happened to the missing dollar?

I've got it :)

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

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There is no missing

There is no missing dollar.

The bill was 25 dollars, they paid 27, the waiter pocketed 2 dollars.


Chris S
Chris S
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Bingo! It is true they


It is true they each paid $9 which equals $27, but that is the £25 bill + $2 in the waiters pocket. Adding + $2 to make $29 means you have added the $2 twice!!

Look at where the physical cash is. $25 in the till, $2 with the waiter, $1 each with the 3 men. 25+2+3=30 QED.

Well that was easy, so try this one.

Bill Smith has two girlfriends, one who lives uptown and the other downtown. But he favours both equally, so much so that he cannot decide who to go to on his weekly visits. So he decides to arrive at his station, midway between the two, at purely random times, and just get on the first train to arrive. There are an equal number of trains in both directions.

But after a few months he finds that he is visiting the uptown girl twice as often as the downtown girl. Why should this be?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
Posts: 6597
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Obviously he learns to like

Obviously he learns to like the uptown chick way more, and the downtown one lives with her Mom. So Bill thinks 'stuff this random crap for a lark'.

Or the two ladies found out about each other and what Bill was up to. So they muck about with the timetables ( they rang up Phil and David ), just to screw up the guy's head.

Alternatively Bill lives on a really quite small planet, with an asymmetric Weyl curvature tensor. Then one day it passes by a black hole ....

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) The downtown trains are bunched - arrive closely in time - while the uptown ones are more regularly spaced. On average he will wait less time for an uptown train and thus take that one.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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