How To Adjust The Project Prefs to best choose the searches I want to run?

Dirk Sadowski
Dirk Sadowski
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Topic 207638

Hello Smile


I started to crunch Einstein again with my little Celeron J1900 + HD Graphics + NV GT730 (later will follow my big machine).


- - - - - - - - - -


My Intel iGPU didn't got WUs.

I changed the project prefs...

Run test applications?: from NO to YES

...then the iGPU got WUs.

Is there something broken?


 - - - - - - - - - -


In the project prefs I can un-/check:

1. Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)
2. Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)
3. Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1
4. Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 (GPU)
5. Continuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center Tuning lowFreq
6. Continuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center Tuning highFreq

(Here I can choose:)

Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available: YES/NO


How should be the settings if I would like to have (which is to un-/check or to choose?):

On GPUs 2 + 4 and on CPU 5 + 6

If 5 + 6 WUs are not available then 1 or 3 on CPU



Thanks Smile

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Dirk Sadowski wrote:My Intel

Dirk Sadowski wrote:

My Intel iGPU didn't got WUs.

I changed the project prefs...

Run test applications?: from NO to YES

...then the iGPU got WUs.

Is there something broken?

The project only send Intel GPU work to a small range of GPUs and driver versions due to problems with validation on a lot of Intel GPUs and driver versions.
As you have discovered this can be overridden by enabling "Run test applications", but please check if your results validate. If a high number of tasks doesn't validate then please try another version of the GPU driver or stop using your Intel GPU at Einstein.

Dirk Sadowski wrote:

In the project prefs I can un-/check:

1. Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)
2. Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)
3. Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1
4. Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 (GPU)
5. Continuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center Tuning lowFreq
6. Continuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center Tuning highFreq

How should be the settings if I would like to have (which is to un-/check or to choose?):

On GPUs 2 + 4 and on CPU 5 + 6

If 5 + 6 WUs are not available then 1 or 3 on CPU

The short answer is to keep them all checked and let the server handle things, it should give you work according to your wishes except that you won't get work for nr. 2 as there isn't any.

1. This is only for slow devices like Android phones, RaspberryPis etc.
2. Is out of work so no point trying to run it, but at the same time it won't hurt to have it checked.
3. Will only run on CPUs, if you don't want to run it then uncheck it.
4. Will only run on GPUs.
5. Will only run on CPUs in systems that are "less capable", either in terms of crunching power or have less RAM.
6. Will only run on CPUs in systems that are "more capable", stronger CPU and more RAM.
I'm unsure as to what the limits for 5 and 6 are but keep both checked and the server will send the one best suited for your system.

Dirk Sadowski wrote:
Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available: YES/NO

This setting doesn't have any effect at the moment as there are no applications with both CPU and GPU versions.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Thank you Holmis for a

Thank you Holmis for a brilliant answer.  It is  a pretty confusing set of options, even for an experienced person who is coming back to this project after a break.  It must be pretty daunting for first timers.  Your summary is so clear and useful that I'm going to pin this thread.

Thank you!


Dirk Sadowski
Dirk Sadowski
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Thanks   I'm a little bit

Thanks Smile


I'm a little bit confused now... Wink


My PC got for:

CPU: Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 v1.05 (FGRPSSE) windows_intelx86

NV GPU: Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs v1.20 (FGRPopencl1K-nvidia) windows_x86_64


Is the following not the related question for this above app(s)?

Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available: YES/NO


Thanks Smile

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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They are different apps

They are different apps (different plan classes and different data) so that a task completed on a CPU could not be compared with or validated against a task completed on a GPU.  They both use data from the large area telescope (LAT) on the Fermi satellite but are fed with different data files.

So if you say 'NO' to that question but sign up for both FGRPB1 (CPU) and FGRPB1G (GPU) you have the potential to get both types if you have the necessary hardware.  They are treated as different searches.

 EDIT: 25 Sep 2017.  For any new people reading this for the first time, the CPU search has now changed.  The GPU search continues unchanged but the CPU search is no longer looking for gamma-ray pulsars in binary systems (B1).  The new search is FGRP5 which targets single pulsars capable of being detected by gamma-ray emissions.



UT Kevin
UT Kevin
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Hi all,I am running an

Sorry, i posted a question to this response that was not relevant.

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I don't want any tasks which

I don't want any tasks which use GPUs (my computer runs too hot). How and where do I specify CPU only tasks?

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Go to Account -> Preferences

Go to Account -> Preferences -> Project and turn of the use of GPU. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save. Boinc will pick up the new settings next time it connects to the project.

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That did not help. I had

That did not help. I had already tried  that. the project still dowloads dozens of GPU tasks which I have to abort.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Your computers are hidden so

Your computers are hidden so we can't see what type of hardware you have.  What type of GPU do you have and did you turn off that particular type of GPU?  On your account -> preferences -> project page, there are settings for three different types of GPU.  Set them all to 'NO' if you don't want any GPU tasks ever.

Are you using different locations? (generic, home, school, work).  Did you change the settings for the location that your computer is assigned to? (should be 'generic' by default but you should check)  Further down on the above settings page, there is a list of all apps being run.  Have you un-ticked the ones you don't want?  The GPU apps are clearly identified.  That would be an alternate way of guaranteeing no GPU tasks.  If you use that, make sure you set to 'NO' the setting for allowing non-preferred apps.  If your selected apps happen to have no tasks, the scheduler might decide to send other tasks if that setting is set to 'YES'.

You should spend some time going through all preference settings and ask questions about anything you don't understand.  If you need further help, it would be a good idea to change your privacy settings to allow other volunteers to see details of your hardware.  There aren't any privacy issues with that and it makes it a lot easier to answer questions without you having to give all the details each time.


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Just changed the privacy

Just changed the privacy settings but this is what I have. I've tried everthing I can think of on the preference pages. Is it because I am using SETI too?


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz [Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10]
(12 processors)
INTEL Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (4862MB) OpenCL: 2.1 Microsoft Windows 10
Core x64 Edition, (10.00.18363.00)

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