How To Adjust The Project Prefs to best choose the searches I want to run?

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Roger Lee wrote: That did

Roger Lee wrote:

That did not help. I had already tried  that. the project still dowloads dozens of GPU tasks which I have to abort

Quite possibly you did not.  That control is separately specified for each of the four possible locations (aka venues) to which your computer may be assigned.

To check this possibility, first find out what location your machine is assigned to, for example, by going to account, clicking on the computer name, and observing the text shown in the location scroll box near the bottom.  The possible values are Home|School|Work|Generic, but awkwardly generic is represented in more than one way at different places.

Then go to Account|Preferences|Project and review the Use Intel GPU setting for each of the four locations.

If my guess is wrong, I apologize for wasting your time.

Part of the reason I am guessing this is that it is a really common source of user difficulty, not least among users who assert that they are "not using" a location.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Roger Lee wrote:Just changed

Roger Lee wrote:
Just changed the privacy settings but this is what I have. I've tried everthing I can think of on the preference pages. Is it because I am using SETI too?

Thanks for allowing your computer to be seen.  I now see you have an intel GPU.  It's nothing to do with SETI.

Do you have the 'Use Intel GPU' setting set to 'NO'?

Have you cleared the tick box for 'Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)'?

Have you cleared the tick box for 'Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo GPU)'?

After making changes, did you click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page?

Because the Intel GPU is part of your CPU, make sure you don't have any listed app with 'Arecibo' as part of its name ticked, just in case the scheduler is not taking notice of the setting for using an Intel GPU.  The very latest tasks you have aborted are listed as "Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) v1.34 () windows_x86_64".


David Stuart
David Stuart
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Running Einstein@ home on my

Running Einstein@ home on my laptop is showing the task Multi-directional Gravitational Wave search on 03 (CPU) 1.03 (GW-SSE2) with no graphics.

I want to change this to the Gamma-ray pulsar search #5 1.08 (FGRPSSE) task. The Gamma-ray task is running on my desktop with full graphics.

How do I just add the Gamma-ray task on the laptop?

Thank you,

David Stuart dgstuart-[at]

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Your computers list shows 3

Your computers list shows 3 machines.  Which one of those is your "laptop"?

I looked through all three and found one that had a single GRP #5 task (the one with the i3-8100 CPU) so I'm guessing that one is your "desktop".  The one with the Phenom II CPU has no tasks at all and the one with the i3-3110M CPU has 7 GW O3 tasks - 3 timed out, no response, and 4 in progress.  With the 3110M CPU, I guess that might be your laptop.

There are no completed tasks for any of the three machines.  Two of your machines have had work for over 3 days with nothing returned.  Are your tasks actually running?

If you have not set up your hosts with different 'locations', they would all be sharing a common set of preferences.  In other words, if one machine is getting GRP #5 tasks, so would the others, eventually.  If you allow them to complete and return work and get further replacements, it's just a matter of time until the scheduler decides to send some GRP.  If you want GRP only, you need to change your preferences to exclude the O3 GW tasks.  If you want a different work mix for different machines, you could set up 'locations' (eg. generic, home, work, school) and give each one a different set of preferences.


David Stuart
David Stuart
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Hello Gary, I thank you for

Hello Gary,
I thank you for your help, but I think, I just don't know what I am doing. The only computer I want running full time is the Windows 7 laptop: ID 12862494. My only goal was to have ID 12862494 just reside at the back of my computer room and run Einstein@home showing the graphics screensaver, full time! The LP has no other programs on it just E@home. I went to the task tab and the only tasks running were the Multi-Directional, there were four. I, suspended three of them, hoping that at the next check-in time, E@home might pick up the Gamma-ray task. Again thank you for your information and support.

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Go to Einstein project to

Go to Einstein project to this page. Project Preferences Combined view

Set each host to a different venue or location and set each venue to the different sub-projects you want each host to run. Then assign hosts to the desired location you want on the Details page for each host. Don't forget to save your settings.

I would keep the O3 tasks off the laptop as they likely will never finish in time as you have seen so far.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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David Stuart wrote:... The

David Stuart wrote:
... The only computer I want running full time is the Windows 7 laptop: ID 12862494. My only goal was to have ID 12862494 just reside at the back of my computer room and run Einstein@home showing the graphics screensaver, full time!

OK.  I notice that the entry for the AMD machine has now disappeared from your hosts list so I presume you have deleted it.  The two that remain are 12862494, your laptop, which you wish to keep running full time, and 12858724, your desktop, which still has those 4 uncompleted tasks.

Will your desktop still run tasks occasionally or are you intending eventually, to stop crunching on that machine completely?  If you intend to stop, just make sure you abort and return any remaining tasks before 'pulling the plug'.

To run just the FGRP #5 tasks on either or both hosts, make sure the only search you have ticked in your preferences is the FGRP #5 search and untick the boxes for all other searches.  Make sure you save the changes and then click the update button in the manager so that your client is informed of the changes.  You only need to get involved with locations if you wanted different hosts to crunch different types of work, other than FGRP #5.


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