2 Questions

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Topic 229467

Hello, i would like to ask 2 questions please:


1. What is the search for Quasars and Pulsars about ? I read many scientific things i don't understand, but my question is, what is behind this ? Is it the search for habitable planets, other civilizations, or technical progress, to give humanity more knowledge to research things with, that are helpful for mankind ?

2. Do i just want to much ?

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Mark100 wrote:Hello, i

Mark100 wrote:

Hello, i would like to ask 2 questions please:


1. What is the search for Quasars and Pulsars about ? I read many scientific things i don't understand, but my question is, what is behind this ? Is it the search for habitable planets, other civilizations, or technical progress, to give humanity more knowledge to research things with, that are helpful for mankind ?

2. Do i just want to much ? 

I can't answer #1 except to say have you read this yet?


As for question #2 the answer is NO you do not

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Thanks for the link. I

Thanks for the link.

I don't want to be tedious or something, but it says mainly, that a big success was made by proofing what Einstein claimed 100 years ago: that there are gravitational waves.

And Einstein@home discovered 50 neutron stars so far, which is for sure very intersting for astro physicians and astronomers, but is there something in it to make the world better somewhen ? I don't expect to help finding the source of free donuts for all, but is there something beside knowledge coming out of this ?


Scrooge McDuck
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Mark100 schrieb:Thanks for

Mark100 wrote:

Thanks for the link.

I don't want to be tedious or something, but it says mainly, that a big success was made by proofing what Einstein claimed 100 years ago: that there are gravitational waves.

And Einstein@home discovered 50 neutron stars so far, which is for sure very intersting for astro physicians and astronomers, but is there something in it to make the world better somewhen ? I don't expect to help finding the source of free donuts for all, but is there something beside knowledge coming out of this ?

I think there are a lot people around here who could give a way more educated and more detailed motivation....

In my understanding einstein@home is about proofing existence of gravitational waves... and then the main scientific challenge there is:

... the beginning of some new kind of astronomy: trying directed search (sky coordinates) for the origin of gravitational waves through coordinated use of different gravitational wave detectors (LIGO etc.) which are situated thousands of kilometers/miles apart together with optical/electromagnetic sensors to detect unknown phenomena. It's about developing a new type of 'telescope' which is neither optical nor electromagnetic.

The current science run of the O3MD1 app (multi directional gravitational wave search in LIGOs 3rd (O3) longtime observation run) looks for such phenomena which originate in a specific search area in the sky, named "VelaJr" by the e@h project team. The detection sensitivity for gravitational waves in the currently analyzed O3 data set is much higher than in the data from previous O2 observation some years ago.

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

We are finally launching our new Gravitational Wave search! It's again on LIGO O3 data, as the previous O3 All-Sky search was, and ist again targeting the three most promising sources that you may remember from the previous MD-search "O2MD1": G347.3, CasA and VelaJr, this time in only two different frequency segments (20-500Hz and 500-1500Hz).

As we did last time, this time we will also have parts that run on the CPUs ("O3MD1") and parts that use the GPUs ("O3MDF"). The first GPU search "O3MDFG1" (G347.3, low frequency), should be launched today, with some thousand WUs first (Beta test App). We hope to launch the first CPU search next week, depending on how the GPU part goes.

source: first post in TechNews on: "Multi-Directional Gravitational Wave Search on O3 data (O3MD1/F)" (Dec 1, 2022)

The detection of neutron stars, pulsars, etc. based on the analysis of data from Arecibo, GreenBank, FermiGammaRayObservatory etc. is additional research that complements the gravitational-wave experiments and provides enough work for long periods between two observation runs of gravitation detectors (e.g. LIGO), i.e. when it is necessary to wait months for the publication of new observation data (O2, O3, O4?, ...).

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Mark100 wrote: Thanks for

Mark100 wrote:

Thanks for the link.

I don't want to be tedious or something, but it says mainly, that a big success was made by proofing what Einstein claimed 100 years ago: that there are gravitational waves.

And Einstein@home discovered 50 neutron stars so far, which is for sure very intersting for astro physicians and astronomers, but is there something in it to make the world better somewhen ? I don't expect to help finding the source of free donuts for all, but is there something beside knowledge coming out of this ? 

The advancement of knowledge is how we find out about "free donuts for all", this Project is not going to find free donuts but it may just advance the edge of what we think we know which then provides the aha moment for the next  big jump in something. ie years ago pc's were about bigger and bigger platter type drives while today they are building HUGE drives out of memory chips that take up a fraction of the space and are 1000 times faster. what comes tomorrow, I don't know but without someone looking at something Science based and getting an aha moment we won't know.

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Thanks again for the info.

Thanks again for the info. This helped me to understand better whats E@H about.

I guess its like reaching lightspeed one day: for sure it will not happen with one genious idea, but 10 of them, every one is a milestone and more knowledge is spreading from this milestone..as if knowledge is a ocean and building small isles, one after one to the goal and on every isle are other things to find additionally.. but all in all, they will make LS possible.

So for me its not important anymore, what may be the big goal, but that my processor helps to found one little isle, whatever next isle will uncover and lead to.

Sorry for my strange english, it needs research also;)

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Mark100 wrote: Thanks again

Mark100 wrote:

Thanks again for the info. This helped me to understand better whats E@H about.

I guess its like reaching lightspeed one day: for sure it will not happen with one genious idea, but 10 of them, every one is a milestone and more knowledge is spreading from this milestone..as if knowledge is a ocean and building small isles, one after one to the goal and on every isle are other things to find additionally.. but all in all, they will make LS possible.

So for me its not important anymore, what may be the big goal, but that my processor helps to found one little isle, whatever next isle will uncover and lead to.

Sorry for my strange english, it needs research also;) 

As long as we don't start speaking German you are good, because your English is light years ahead of my German!!! LOL

Every bit of data contributes to the whole even if it's a negative so as long as we keep crunching we are getting closer and closer.

Scrooge McDuck
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mikey schrieb:Mark100

mikey wrote:

Mark100 wrote:
Sorry for my strange english, it needs research also;) 

As long as we don't start speaking German you are good, because your English is light years ahead of my German!!! LOL

Aber Mikey, irgendwo hier, eventuell war es im Wetter-Thread*, hattest du mal geschrieben, dass deine Vorfahren ursprünglich aus Deutschland nach Amerika ausgewandert sind, sodass du die Sprache deiner Vorfahren doch noch ein wenig verstehen können solltest, dein Kulturerbe sozusagen... Selbst der frühere US-Präsident Trump, dessen Vorfahren aus der Pfalz (früher Bayern) stammen, bekannte 2019 in einer Pressekonferenz in Biarritz/Südfrankreich einmal: "Ich habe Deutsches in meinem Blut", was die deutsche Kanzlerin fast losprusten ließ, nur mühsam konnte sie ihr Lachen unterdrücken. Haha.

[But Mikey, somewhere here, maybe it was in the weather thread*, you once wrote that your ancestors originally emigrated from Germany to America, so you should still be able to understand the language of your ancestors a little, your cultural heritage, so to speak... Even the former U.S. President Trump, whose ancestors immigrated from the Palatinate (formerly Bavaria), confessed 2019 at a press conference in Biarritz/France: "I have German in my Blood", which almost made the German chancellor burst out laughing. Haha.]

* "Thread" is a typical example for the many words for which we've no suitable German equivalent. Directly translated, it's "Themenstrang" (thread), "Gesprächsfaden" (thread of conversation), or "Thema" (topic). But nobody talks or writes like that. Only "Thread" is common. At some point, in the future, we'll have to rid the German language of all the Anglicisms, as in the 19th century, when the many French words that had accumulated over time were either Germanized or replaced. ;-)

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Scrooge McDuck wrote: mikey

Scrooge McDuck wrote:

mikey wrote:

Mark100 wrote:
Sorry for my strange english, it needs research also;) 

As long as we don't start speaking German you are good, because your English is light years ahead of my German!!! LOL

Aber Mikey, irgendwo hier, eventuell war es im Wetter-Thread*, hattest du mal geschrieben, dass deine Vorfahren ursprünglich aus Deutschland nach Amerika ausgewandert sind, sodass du die Sprache deiner Vorfahren doch noch ein wenig verstehen können solltest, dein Kulturerbe sozusagen... Selbst der frühere US-Präsident Trump, dessen Vorfahren aus der Pfalz (früher Bayern) stammen, bekannte 2019 in einer Pressekonferenz in Biarritz/Südfrankreich einmal: "Ich habe Deutsches in meinem Blut", was die deutsche Kanzlerin fast losprusten ließ, nur mühsam konnte sie ihr Lachen unterdrücken. Haha.

[But Mikey, somewhere here, maybe it was in the weather thread*, you once wrote that your ancestors originally emigrated from Germany to America, so you should still be able to understand the language of your ancestors a little, your cultural heritage, so to speak... Even the former U.S. President Trump, whose ancestors immigrated from the Palatinate (formerly Bavaria), confessed 2019 at a press conference in Biarritz/France: "I have German in my Blood", which almost made the German chancellor burst out laughing. Haha.]

* "Thread" is a typical example for the many words for which we've no suitable German equivalent. Directly translated, it's "Themenstrang" (thread), "Gesprächsfaden" (thread of conversation), or "Thema" (topic). But nobody talks or writes like that. Only "Thread" is common. At some point, in the future, we'll have to rid the German language of all the Anglicisms, as in the 19th century, when the many French words that had accumulated over time were either Germanized or replaced. ;-)

Yes some of my ancestors, on my moms side, came from Germany but that was generations ago and no one in the family has spoken German for a few generations now. She was from a long line of Quandt's that split off before the ones remaining in Germany took over BMW, of course LOL

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Scrooge McDuck schrieb:[But

Scrooge McDuck wrote:

[But Mikey, somewhere here, maybe it was in the weather thread*, you once wrote that your ancestors originally emigrated from Germany to America, so you should still be able to understand the language of your ancestors a little, your cultural heritage, so to speak... Even the former U.S. President Trump, whose ancestors immigrated from the Palatinate (formerly Bavaria), confessed 2019 at a press conference in Biarritz/France: "I have German in my Blood", which almost made the German chancellor burst out laughing. Haha.]

As he said that and Angela "Mama" Merkel laughed, she for sure thought about a dictator we had for 12 years here. She is a bit strange at times and politics is pretty hysterical here. I mean, say about Trump what you want but for sure he is not comparable with AH but i saw this several times happen here in german media.

Scrooge McDuck wrote:

* "Thread" is a typical example for the many words for which we've no suitable German equivalent. Directly translated, it's "Themenstrang" (thread), "Gesprächsfaden" (thread of conversation), or "Thema" (topic). But nobody talks or writes like that. Only "Thread" is common. At some point, in the future, we'll have to rid the German language of all the Anglicisms, as in the 19th century, when the many French words that had accumulated over time were either Germanized or replaced. ;-)

I like american people but that would be good ! We have more and more anglicism in our language and some people celebrate that, they would love to simply exchange languages. But well, they are extremists and they want to exchange other things as well.

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Hah..., to finish this

Hah..., to finish this thread, which has gotten way "off-topic" (another frequent Anglicism), here is a song/music video, summing it up:

(link to my post in the 'radio' thread in the 'Café' forum).

The lyrics of Rammstein's song "Amerika" captures the German perspective perfectly:

America (song) [wikipedia].

... btw., "Rammstein" boys never were 'Nazi', 'right-wing'... whatever. They were and still are leftist punks, born and grown up in the GDR (former communist East Germany).

* We Germans appreciate Anglo-Americans, their beliefs, culture, ..., particularly since Putin forms a new Imperial Russia. We also no longer believe in French great power ideas (we remember 19th century). So we cultivate our beloved Anglicisms... "so what" (another one).  ;-)

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