2 Questions

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Scrooge McDuck

Scrooge McDuck wrote:

Hah..., to finish this thread, which has gotten way "off-topic" (another frequent Anglicism), here is a song/music video, summing it up:

(link to my post in the 'radio' thread in the 'Café' forum).

The lyrics of Rammstein's song "Amerika" captures the German perspective perfectly:

America (song) [wikipedia].

... btw., "Rammstein" boys never were 'Nazi', 'right-wing'... whatever. They were and still are leftist punks, born and grown up in the GDR (former communist East Germany).

* We Germans appreciate Anglo-Americans, their beliefs, culture, ..., particularly since Putin forms a new Imperial Russia. We also no longer believe in French great power ideas (we remember 19th century). So we cultivate our beloved Anglicisms... "so what" (another one).  ;-) 

Just don't go to far down the American way of doing things as we seem to have lost our political path at the moment and can't seem to figure out that often compromise is the best thing for everyone. We have two very different political parties and only rarely do they seem to be able to coexist at least in public.

And to also bring it back to the topic of "2 questions" crunching seems to be one of the few things that the general public can do as it's only rarely connected to politics and even then only slightly.

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mikey schrieb:   Just don't

mikey wrote:


Just don't go to far down the American way of doing things as we seem to have lost our political path at the moment and can't seem to figure out that often compromise is the best thing for everyone. We have two very different political parties and only rarely do they seem to be able to coexist at least in public.

I don't think, its a lost political path, it is much more the way into an ideologistic system, like soviet union or 3.rd reich or North Korea and many others were/is. Brown and red socialism/communism do not discuss, they demand and others have to obey, if not, they get accused of all the things you read and hear all the time. If they obey, the accusations stop, its just a submission of all other opinions and attitudes, and this happens in the whole west, happens in all media-intensive countries.

IMO its very important that people learn to say: "it's not important if my opinion is right or wrong, good or bad, it is important that i can say it frankly without being punished by social or legal methods."

mikey wrote:

And to also bring it back to the topic of "2 questions" crunching seems to be one of the few things that the general public can do as it's only rarely connected to politics and even then only slightly.

Yes, its like going to the barber or playing computer games. Some things are just to important;)


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