Two new videos about Einstein@Home

There are two new YouTube videos about Einstein@Home we think you might enjoy watching.

If you want to learn more about the scientific background of the project and recent discoveries have a look at Bruce Allen's talk about Einstein@Home at the 2021 BOINC Workshop.

The Max Planck Society published a video about our project and our recent black widow pulsar discovery. It's (mostly) in German, but the interview with Bruce Allen (starting at 4:55 and 8:42) is English with German subtitles. The video also features an interview with one of our volunteers from Germany.

Let us know what you think and feel free to post questions in the comments!


Bobby Conger
Joined: 6 Oct 19
Posts: 32
Credit: 7152939
RAC: 19503

Have calculations been

Have calculations been suspended?  My stats have been flat for 4 days and I have 29 tasks pending.  This is unusual for the almost 2 years I have been doing this.  Should I be worried?




Joined: 27 Oct 10
Posts: 4
Credit: 1982121
RAC: 0

I don't see an official

I don't see an official answer.  I have been using E@H for more than a decade, on various machines.  The program has become much more sensitive to client wishes, client machine configuration, to use more available resources and be less intrusive on other client needs, activities, & settings.  You might review your project settings & status for unneeded limitations, leave your machine running overnight, or sign up for more projects.  Also, as your machine gets older, I think they tend to optimize for newer machines, so yours might no longer qualify for certain activities.