The Last Person To Post Here Wins - 22

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RE: RE: No I wouldn't, I


No I wouldn't, I would have been there protecting damsels in distress.

What damsels?

**double blink** Them females who regularly get themselves into tricky situations. Quitea few around even now.

What kind of sticky situation could they have gotten into whilst voluntarily watching a burning though?

*deep, pondering frowning*

What kind of protecting, Chris...?

Throwing yourself in front of stray sparks...?

Or beating them out after they've landed on us?


I would have rescued Joan of Arc in 1431.

Only 169 years too late :) would that be CE? How? :)

edit: I got interrupted and missed my edit window on my previous post, Chris, which I'd intended to add an apology to. It's just as well as I didn't though because it would now look like I wouldn't have meant it


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Chris S
Chris S
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Oh my gosh people, us chaps

Oh my gosh people, us chaps try to help out with old fashioned chivalry, but to no real avail.

What kind of sticky situation could they have gotten into whilst voluntarily watching a burning though?

I was referring to the central character, the one in the middle being singed around the edges!

Throwing yourself in front of stray sparks...?
Or beating them out after they've landed on us?

Nope, you gawpers would have fended for yourselves, while I was freeing Joan.

Only 169 years too late :) How? :)

Well slap me with a wet lettuce and a limp spring onion Baldrick! As you wish my Lord, Swish slap swish splat.

Had I been there at the time my good woman, I would have abseiled down from a handy tree, left a box of Milk tray, and whisked her off in my waiting helicopter, as all real heroes do.*

* What d'ya mean TV wasn't invented then, nothing to do with it at all :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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"We are each the hero of our

"We are each the hero of our own story." - somebody

I dare say anyone attempting to rescue Joan would have been captured and subjected to a similar fate, or perhaps just shot with an arrow or run through with a sword, pike, lance, or somesuch pointy object.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: "We are each the hero


"We are each the hero of our own story." - somebody

I dare say anyone attempting to rescue Joan would have been captured and subjected to a similar fate, or perhaps just shot with an arrow or run through with a sword, pike, lance, or somesuch pointy object.

As some of Joan's own group probably were! Those things tended to be quite the production and were well attended by LOTS of the people doing the staking and marshmallow roasting!! When the Church roasted marshmallows around the Knights Templar guys you can bet the other Knights Templars weren't standing around watching and would have done any rescuing if it were possible. I'm sure Joan had her own group of supporters that felt just as helpless. Oh and helicopters weren't flying for several more centuries!! Seems there was some small problem with powering the things!!

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RE: Well slap me with a wet

Well slap me with a wet lettuce and a limp spring onion

*blink length of nose*

Just the one?


Of course, I'd have had to import it as we'd burned all their in situ crops :/

you gawpers would have fended for yourselves, while I was freeing Joan.

I'm curious... whose side you were on?

I dare say anyone attempting to rescue Joan would have been captured and subjected to a similar fate, or perhaps just shot with an arrow or run through with a sword, pike, lance, or somesuch pointy object.

English and English-allied pointy objects, yes :\

helicopters weren't flying for several more centuries!! Seems there was some small problem with powering the things!!


*perplex a frown at Chris*
Which means a lot more staying on the ground running the gauntlet of pointy objects than you were clearly planning for...

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RE: RE: helicopters


helicopters weren't flying for several more centuries!! Seems there was some small problem with powering the things!!


*perplex a frown at Chris*
Which means a lot more staying on the ground running the gauntlet of pointy objects than you were clearly planning for...

Even the slipperiest of would be rescuers found gauntlets of defenders daunting and often not worth the risk of dieing yourself to save someone who clearly knew their days were numbered, as Joan did when she was cooked. Like almost everyone else I'm pretty sure Chris would have weighed the odds of being a rescuer or a fellow roast, and decided it was nice knowing Joan while it lasted!!

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I just fell in nettles :/

I just fell in nettles :/ They truly are the rudest of plants, they really really are...

Even the slipperiest of would be rescuers found gauntlets of defenders daunting and often not worth the risk of dieing yourself to save someone who clearly knew their days were numbered, as Joan did when she was cooked. Like almost everyone else I'm pretty sure Chris would have weighed the odds of being a rescuer or a fellow roast, and decided it was nice knowing Joan while it lasted!!

That's very good advice, Mikey *rotate head at Chris/fellow roast* isn't it?


Back to me...

My pole broke in half and you will be relieved to hear *blink reassuringly round thread* science took over.

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David S
David S
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This weekend at the museum,

This weekend at the museum, shorter than most of my stories this summer.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: I just fell in

I just fell in nettles

Errr ... John ? Or some other one ?

:/ They truly are the rudest of plants, they really really are...

My condiments for your pain :

... seriously Manuka Honey is just great for stuff like that but only if applied topically* in this instance.

You might wish to glance at the new documentary Australia Doesn't Just Want To Kill You, this pro-venomous species propaganda about medical benefits or somesuch. My career is littered with treating the downside of various lethal crawling bastards. I have a jaundiced view, and so do literally some of the victims.

I'll have to decline giving a view upon Chris' potential exploits during a time travel episode related incident. You all know it's not a real thing, right ?

My pole broke in half and you will be relieved to hear *blink reassuringly round thread* science took over.

Oh, how is the pole going ? Getting better at all ? Was it warned of your accidental genetics prior to the outing ? Did it not know what would happen during a spacetime confluence of yourself, the pole and the nettles ? You do, of course, have it's signed consent and/or waiver on hand ? :-)

Cheers, Mike.

* To yourself for best benefit.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

David S
David S
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RE: RE: My pole broke in

My pole broke in half and you will be relieved to hear *blink reassuringly round thread* science took over.

Oh, how is the pole going ? Getting better at all ? Was it warned of your accidental genetics prior to the outing ? Did it not know what would happen during a spacetime confluence of yourself, the pole and the nettles ? You do, of course, have it's signed consent and/or waiver on hand ? :-)

I just had one of those weird mind-not-at-full-speed things where I went from the above to my being a quarter Pole to Daffy Duck as Robin Hood saying "(Actually, it's a buck-and-a-quarter quarter staff, but I'm not telling him that.)"*

* Wondering whether I need another . here and if so, where.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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