The Last Person To Post Here Wins - 22


david, I live in Florida


I live in Florida so our winters are for the most part quite mild. This past winter the temps where I live never got into the 30sF. I am fairly certain that they would not survive a Chicago winter. You could try growing in a pot and bringing it in during the winter but they are a full sun plant and they do get quite large at the base, i.e., about 3 feet +-. They require almost no maintenance - pay attention Kathryn (hence my success). I pot, let them root, then transfer to the ground. They do want sandy well drained soil. I live on the barrier island so "sandy" is not a problem. I have had plants bear fruit in the first year while others have taken 2 to 3 years. Don't know why. What I do know is home grown pineapples should be a bucket list item.

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RE: Nice pineapple. I know

Nice pineapple. I know someone with hair just the same.

I've often wondered whether green hair would suit me... is it a ginger nut Mike? You know, the focus point? Or a custard cream perhaps? Nice selfie by the way. Reminds me of when I used to stick rose thorns on my nose.

Speaking of noses:

Annie you don't need to file a flight plan, you just have to watch out for those that do, as they think they have the right of way.

:)))) Yes, I suppose I should. Wouldn't want to collect a bruise on it, or get it knocked sideways or anything *squint down it* I'm kind of used to it looking like this to be honest

I wonder if any of the ones I planted when I was a child are still growing? We always moved before getting any fruit off them :( There could be seven or eight growing in different parts of southern Africa that I could claim are mine if they are. A mildewed rotting mess is all I've ever achieved with them in the UK. It's our weather I think...

Sorry to hear of your horrible Tuesday, David. Hope it all turns out okay :)

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David S
David S
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RE: David why are YOU being

David why are YOU being suspended, I thought the other guy messed up and he suspended himself?

Not for that, for this.

Sorry to hear of your horrible Tuesday, David. Hope it all turns out okay :)

It took me about a day to recover physically. I'm thinking I may get another talking to, but that's probably it.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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RE: RE: David why are YOU

David why are YOU being suspended, I thought the other guy messed up and he suspended himself?

Not for that, for this.

Sorry to hear of your horrible Tuesday, David. Hope it all turns out okay :)

It took me about a day to recover physically. I'm thinking I may get another talking to, but that's probably it.

Broke something, or broke yourself?

David S
David S
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RE: RE: RE: David why

David why are YOU being suspended, I thought the other guy messed up and he suspended himself?

Not for that, for this.

Sorry to hear of your horrible Tuesday, David. Hope it all turns out okay :)

It took me about a day to recover physically. I'm thinking I may get another talking to, but that's probably it.

Broke something, or broke yourself?

Broke the car. Not seriously, but there's no one to fix it at noon on Tuesday. Didn't quite break myself, but worried I might.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: david, I live in



I live in Florida so our winters are for the most part quite mild. This past winter the temps where I live never got into the 30sF. I am fairly certain that they would not survive a Chicago winter. You could try growing in a pot and bringing it in during the winter but they are a full sun plant and they do get quite large at the base, i.e., about 3 feet +-. They require almost no maintenance - pay attention Kathryn (hence my success). I pot, let them root, then transfer to the ground. They do want sandy well drained soil. I live on the barrier island so "sandy" is not a problem. I have had plants bear fruit in the first year while others have taken 2 to 3 years. Don't know why. What I do know is home grown pineapples should be a bucket list item.

How tall do they grow? I'm moving to a sandy area, southern North Carolina about 1.5 miles from the ocean, it will also be warm year round and I need to put in some plants that will 'fit in', this sounds to me like it would work and the fruit will taste good too!! 'Easy to grow' works for me too!!


RE: RE: david, I live in



I live in Florida so our winters are for the most part quite mild. This past winter the temps where I live never got into the 30sF. I am fairly certain that they would not survive a Chicago winter. You could try growing in a pot and bringing it in during the winter but they are a full sun plant and they do get quite large at the base, i.e., about 3 feet +-. They require almost no maintenance - pay attention Kathryn (hence my success). I pot, let them root, then transfer to the ground. They do want sandy well drained soil. I live on the barrier island so "sandy" is not a problem. I have had plants bear fruit in the first year while others have taken 2 to 3 years. Don't know why. What I do know is home grown pineapples should be a bucket list item.

How tall do they grow? I'm moving to a sandy area, southern North Carolina about 1.5 miles from the ocean, it will also be warm year round and I need to put in some plants that will 'fit in', this sounds to me like it would work and the fruit will taste good too!! 'Easy to grow' works for me too!!

Mikey: The cage I have is about 3.5 feet tall by 4 feet in diameter. The fruit on this plant formed in March 2016 and was ready to pick in July 2016. I pulled the remaining part of the plant out of the ground and recycled it. Southern North Carolina sound ideal but I wonder about the winters. Protect them from frost by covering them with an old sheet and removing it in the morning. Do NOT cover with plastic. Remember not all fruit is the same. The size on this one is outstanding. I have had others that were the size of hand grenades. They tasted great but not much to share. I used them as a "decoration" on the rim of a rum cocktail.

I had no idea until now that you are also the pineapple queen. And that you started early. South Africa seems it would be an ideal growing spot for pineapples. Its too bad you could not wait around to reap the rewards of your growing effort. But I am sure those that got your harvest thanked you. I imagine the UK is just a little too wet for growing these things. If you ever decide to have green hair load up on beta carotene for the "orange" look. Then you could become our carrot queen. :>)

David S
David S
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RE: RE: RE: david, I



I live in Florida so our winters are for the most part quite mild. This past winter the temps where I live never got into the 30sF. I am fairly certain that they would not survive a Chicago winter. You could try growing in a pot and bringing it in during the winter but they are a full sun plant and they do get quite large at the base, i.e., about 3 feet +-. They require almost no maintenance - pay attention Kathryn (hence my success). I pot, let them root, then transfer to the ground. They do want sandy well drained soil. I live on the barrier island so "sandy" is not a problem. I have had plants bear fruit in the first year while others have taken 2 to 3 years. Don't know why. What I do know is home grown pineapples should be a bucket list item.

How tall do they grow? I'm moving to a sandy area, southern North Carolina about 1.5 miles from the ocean, it will also be warm year round and I need to put in some plants that will 'fit in', this sounds to me like it would work and the fruit will taste good too!! 'Easy to grow' works for me too!!

Mikey: The cage I have is about 3.5 feet tall by 4 feet in diameter. The fruit on this plant formed in March 2016 and was ready to pick in July 2016. I pulled the remaining part of the plant out of the ground and recycled it. Southern North Carolina sound ideal but I wonder about the winters. Protect them from frost by covering them with an old sheet and removing it in the morning. Do NOT cover with plastic. Remember not all fruit is the same. The size on this one is outstanding. I have had others that were the size of hand grenades. They tasted great but not much to share. I used them as a "decoration" on the rim of a rum cocktail.

Okay, I guess it wouldn't work here.

Do they only produce fruit once?


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.


RE: Do they only produce


Do they only produce fruit once?

I believe this is true. I have never left the plant in the ground after picking the fruit because I was told they only produce one. This would account for the enormous amounts of land required for pineapple production.

Chris S
Chris S
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I have cut the tops off

I have cut the tops off pineapples and planted them in pots for over 50 years. All they have ever done is simply rot away. I don't believe a single word any one of you say :-)

*blinks furiously*

You buy pineapples in supermarkets, that is where they come from. So there!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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