Gravitational Wave Model for Undergraduates

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Topic 219792


It´s still not simple, but astonishing. Look here.

Kind regards an happy crunching


Joseph Stateson
Joseph Stateson
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That is really interesting

That is really interesting undergrad stuff.  It would be considered grad or PhD thesis level  at the time I got my BS in Physics.  Not going to mention the year I got it.


Reading the abstract, the phrase "Implicit Rotating Source (IRS)" got my attention.  The first thing that popped into my mind was the several agents I went through during an IRS audit until I finally got to the head auditor who understood what was going on.  He agreed that my 11 pay stubs that showed contributions to United Way was sufficient to allow the 12 one that I had misplaced to be included in my deduction. 

Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
Byron Leigh Hat...
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I don't know if has been

I don't know if has been posted before? but sounds interesting. I hope I pick the right thread?
European physicists propose huge underground gravitational-wave laboratory
14 Nov 2019 Michael Banks 
Physicists from across Europe have revealed plans for a huge underground gravitational-wave observatory that, if funded, could be operational by the mid-2030s. The European Laboratory for Gravitational and Atom-interferometric Research (ELGAR) could be located in either France or Italy and would cost around €200m to build. Those involved in the project have now applied for European funding to carry out a detailed design and cost for the facility.
Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that were predicted over 100 years ago by Albert Einstein. In 2015 the twin Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO) in the US along with the Virgo gravitational-wave detector in Italy detected the first gravitational-wave signal and since then tens of such events have been spotted. The observation and pinpointing of such gravitational waves is expected to be boosted in the coming years by the recent completion of Japan’s KAGRA observatory, which is the world’s first underground gravitational-wave observatory to use cryogenic mirrors.
Joined: 28 May 05
Posts: 540
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RAC: 535464

Hallo! I find this verry


I find this verry interesting, but it should be placed better into a new thread named "Next Generation GWOs" or so.

I didn´t know before, that materialwave-interferometry is developed so far. It´s frequency range will fit well in between LISA and Einstein-GWO.

Many thanks for this hint.

Kind regards and happy crunching


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