EM searches, BRP Raidiopulsar and FGRP Gamma-Ray Pulsar

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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Ian&Steve C. wrote:Peter

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

I got this in the log:

2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] [HOST#12862563] device name: 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630'; OpenCL driver version:; platform version: OpenCL 2.1; device version: OpenCL 2.1 NEO
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] driver version 2621007642, min: 0, max: 1018103906
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] driver version required max: 1018103906, supplied: 2621007642

issue with your driver version

It looks like my driver is far too new!?  Should I downgrade it?

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Tom M
Tom M
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Peter Hucker of the Scottish

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

issue with your driver version

It looks like my driver is far too new!?  Should I downgrade it?

I would.  Take the Intel driver back a year if you can find one that old.

Tom M

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Tom M wrote: Peter Hucker of

Tom M wrote:

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

issue with your driver version

It looks like my driver is far too new!?  Should I downgrade it?

I would.  Take the Intel driver back a year if you can find one that old.

Tom M 

You can always try here Peter: http://web.archive.org/ it's the internet way back machine

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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Tom M wrote:Peter Hucker of

Tom M wrote:

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

issue with your driver version

It looks like my driver is far too new!?  Should I downgrade it?

I would.  Take the Intel driver back a year if you can find one that old.

Tom M

Intel website has version 26-30 available.  Why on earth is Einstein needing 10?  That must be from the last century!  Even 6 years ago is version 15.  I reckon it's misreading the number.

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Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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mikey wrote: You can always

mikey wrote:

You can always try here Peter: http://web.archive.org/ it's the internet way back machine

Not sure if that holds exe files.  I tried a number of them and got foreign snapshots, ones that didn't work, and version 15.  Can't find version 10.  There must be someone in here using it.

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Tom M
Tom M
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Intel also reminds us to

Intel also reminds us to check motherboard make/model website for customized drivers.

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Probably easier to just

Probably easier to just modify your coproc info file and lock it from modification. So BOINC (and Einstein) thinks you have an earlier version than you really do. 

or run anonymous platform. 


Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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I lowered the version number

I lowered the version number in there, made it read only, and denied "system" write access, not sure what Boinc uses to write to it, if it uses my own account that could prove difficult.

Well that did something, Boinc took ages to start up, I guess it was trying to write.  The file still contains the lower number :-)

But, I get the same in the Einstein log.  It knows from Boinc startup, held in memory, what version the driver is.

If this page takes an hour to load, reduce posts per page to 20 in your settings, then the tinpot 486 Einstein uses can handle it.

Tom M
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Bernd Machenschalk

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

There will be more work for FGRPB1G than the current progress counter shows. Some new interesting and promising Gamma-Ray sources have been identified recently. However, currently a lot of work is not proceeding as planned or anticipated due to a couple of COVID cases. Rest assured that we'll find a way to keep your GPUs busy, though.

I wish your COVID19 sufferers well.  And hope they don't fall into "long covid19".

Tom M

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What is BRP4x64 compared to

What is BRP4x64 compared to all the other acronyms you have posted?

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