EM searches, BRP Raidiopulsar and FGRP Gamma-Ray Pulsar

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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10 days to go.... Gamma

10 days to go.... Gamma running low.... we're gonna need some more fuel Scotty!

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Tom M
Tom M
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Peter Hucker of the Scottish

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

10 days to go.... Gamma running low.... we're gonna need some more fuel Scotty!

Or the ability to run some CPU tasks on our gpus.....

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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That is what I was referring

That is what I was referring to.  The gamma is not going to be continued (as per first post in this thread), the gravity is out (at the moment?), so we need the conversion of radio to GPU, which is in progress but without an exact timescale.

Mind you there are CPU gamma tasks held in a seperate queue, not sure if they are the same thing that could be converted easily?

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Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Tom M wrote: Peter Hucker of

Tom M wrote:

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

10 days to go.... Gamma running low.... we're gonna need some more fuel Scotty!

Or the ability to run some CPU tasks on our gpus.....

you can run BRP4G on intel GPU.


or switch over to a different project temporarily.


Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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Ian&Steve C. wrote:you can

Ian&Steve C. wrote:
you can run BRP4G on intel GPU.

I just tried deselecting gamma for my Intel GPU machine, and asked it to download tasks, I got gamma via the "if nothing's available gimme something else" option.

I turned off that option and got "no new tasks available", but it only mentioned gravity.  I had this selected:

TICK Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)

TICK Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)

 Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1

 Gamma-ray pulsar search #5

 Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 (GPU)

TICK Gravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional

TICK Gravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional GPU

TICK Gravitational Wave search O3 All-Sky


I got this in the log:

2022-07-08 15:58:39.2033 [PID=11204]   Request: [USER#xxxxx] [HOST#12862563] [IP xxx.xxx.xxx.158] client 7.20.1
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2619 [PID=11204] [debug]   have_master:1 have_working: 1 have_db: 1
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2619 [PID=11204] [debug]   using working prefs
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2619 [PID=11204] [debug]   have db 1; dbmod 1642902287.000000; global mod 1642902287.000000
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] effective_ncpus 3 max_jobs_on_host_cpu 999999 max_jobs_on_host 999999
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] effective_ngpus 4 max_jobs_on_host_gpu 999999
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] Not using matchmaker scheduling; Not using EDF sim
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] CPU: req 0.00 sec, 0.00 instances; est delay 0.00
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] ATI: req 0.00 sec, 0.00 instances; est delay 0.00
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] Intel GPU: req 83981.80 sec, 0.00 instances; est delay 0.00
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] work_req_seconds: 0.00 secs
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] available disk 111.54 GB, work_buf_min 172800
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2620 [PID=11204]    [send] active_frac 0.997643 on_frac 0.977915 DCF 1.571847
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2647 [PID=11204]    [mixed] sending non-locality work first (0.9669)
2022-07-08 15:58:39.2907 [PID=11204]    [send] [HOST#12862563] will accept beta work.  Scanning for beta work.
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3005 [PID=11204]    [version] Checking plan class 'BRP4X64'
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3033 [PID=11204]    [version] reading plan classes from file '/BOINC/projects/EinsteinAtHome/plan_class_spec.xml'
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3033 [PID=11204]    [version] plan class ok
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3033 [PID=11204]    [version] Don't need CPU jobs, skipping version 133 for einsteinbinary_BRP4G (BRP4X64)
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3033 [PID=11204]    [version] Checking plan class 'opencl-intel_gpu-new'
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3033 [PID=11204]    [version] parsed project prefs setting 'gpu_util_brp': 1.000000
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204]    [version] GPU RAM calculated: min: 512 MB, use: 360 MB, WU#654415505 CPU: 248 MB
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204]    [version] [HOST#12862563] device name: 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630'; OpenCL driver version:; platform version: OpenCL 2.1; device version: OpenCL 2.1 NEO
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204]    [version] driver version 2621007642, min: 0, max: 1018103906
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204]    [version] driver version required max: 1018103906, supplied: 2621007642
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204]    [version] Don't need CPU jobs, skipping version 133 for einsteinbinary_BRP4G ()
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3035 [PID=11204]    [version] no app version available: APP#25 (einsteinbinary_BRP4G) PLATFORM#9 (windows_x86_64) min_version 0
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3035 [PID=11204]    [version] no app version available: APP#25 (einsteinbinary_BRP4G) PLATFORM#2 (windows_intelx86) min_version 0
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] Checking plan class 'opencl-intel_gpu-new'
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] parsed project prefs setting 'gpu_util_brp': 1.000000
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] GPU RAM calculated: min: 512 MB, use: 360 MB, WU#654287632 CPU: 248 MB
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] [HOST#12862563] device name: 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630'; OpenCL driver version:; platform version: OpenCL 2.1; device version: OpenCL 2.1 NEO
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] driver version 2621007642, min: 0, max: 1018103906
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] driver version required max: 1018103906, supplied: 2621007642
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] no app version available: APP#19 (einsteinbinary_BRP4) PLATFORM#9 (windows_x86_64) min_version 0
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3036 [PID=11204]    [version] no app version available: APP#19 (einsteinbinary_BRP4) PLATFORM#2 (windows_intelx86) min_version 0
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3094 [PID=11204]    [mixed] sending locality work second
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3119 [PID=11204] [debug]   [HOST#12862563] MSG(high) No work sent
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3119 [PID=11204] [debug]   [HOST#12862563] MSG(high) No work is available for Gravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3119 [PID=11204] [debug]   [HOST#12862563] MSG(high) No work is available for Gravitational Wave search O3 All-Sky #1
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3119 [PID=11204] [debug]   [HOST#12862563] MSG(high) see scheduler log messages on https://einsteinathome.org/host/12862563/log
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3119 [PID=11204]    Sending reply to [HOST#12862563]: 0 results, delay req 60.00
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3120 [PID=11204]    Scheduler ran 0.113 seconds

If this page takes an hour to load, reduce posts per page to 20 in your settings, then the tinpot 486 Einstein uses can handle it.

Joined: 10 Mar 05
Posts: 186
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There was a time that FGRP5

There was a time that FGRP5 worked on GPU's. I don't know if this can be an option again...


Or run the BRP4G on selected GPU's without crashing the database. At Least temporarily

Tom M
Tom M
Joined: 2 Feb 06
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Ian&Steve C. wrote: Tom M

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Tom M wrote:

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:

10 days to go.... Gamma running low.... we're gonna need some more fuel Scotty!

Or the ability to run some CPU tasks on our gpus.....

you can run BRP4G on intel GPU.


or switch over to a different project temporarily.


I wonder if some has a gpu emulator for Intel that would run on say a Oracle virtual box on a CPU?

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
Joined: 19 Jan 20
Posts: 4161
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RAC: 42992054

Peter Hucker of the Scottish

Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team wrote:


I got this in the log:

2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] [HOST#12862563] device name: 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630'; OpenCL driver version:; platform version: OpenCL 2.1; device version: OpenCL 2.1 NEO
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] driver version 2621007642, min: 0, max: 1018103906
2022-07-08 15:58:39.3034 [PID=11204] [version] driver version required max: 1018103906, supplied: 2621007642


issue with your driver version


Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
Joined: 15 Oct 04
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There will be more work for

There will be more work for FGRPB1G than the current progress counter shows. Some new interesting and promising Gamma-Ray sources have been identified recently. However, currently a lot of work is not proceeding as planned or anticipated due to a couple of COVID cases. Rest assured that we'll find a way to keep your GPUs busy, though.


Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
Joined: 12 Aug 06
Posts: 838
Credit: 527120276
RAC: 295527

Bernd Machenschalk

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

There will be more work for FGRPB1G than the current progress counter shows. Some new interesting and promising Gamma-Ray sources have been identified recently. However, currently a lot of work is not proceeding as planned or anticipated due to a couple of COVID cases. Rest assured that we'll find a way to keep your GPUs busy, though.

How are things going for the PhD student's work?

If this page takes an hour to load, reduce posts per page to 20 in your settings, then the tinpot 486 Einstein uses can handle it.

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