Einstein Home : Binary radio pulsar search (0,5 CPU + 1 Intel GPU) can't be processed

Michal Kolisek
Michal Kolisek
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Topic 231540

When computing any of the "Binary radio pulsar search (MeerKAT) 0,12 (BRP7-opencl-intel_gpu)" the system estimates 1 hour 14 minutes. It takes then usually about 4-5 hours to get to 90 %, and after another 12 hours it still have something about 99 % and never finishes. If you postpone the task, the processed part is never stored, when re-activating the task the process starts again from zero. When closing and re-opening the BOINC the same situation, again starts from zero. The tasks are running on 0,5 CPU + 1 Intel GPU. This situation is constant for more than a month.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Download any of the Binary radio pulsar search (MeerKAT) 0,12 (BRP7-opencl-intel_gpu) files
  2. Start the computing...

Expected behavior
The computing should finish as usually.

Check the included file: two marked files to process, estimate is about 1:13:55, the file was running for more than hour.

System Information

  • OS: Windows 10 Home 22H2
  • BOINC Version: 8.0.2. x64

Have posted that as issue here https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/issues/5818 but the guys told me to re-post it here as "likely not a general BOINC issue". Any hint, any help ;) ?


Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Two possibilities.    1.

Two possibilities. 

1. the app has some kind of problem. It seems to be a new-ish app. They had a Linux version in beta testing, but it seems they removed that. 

2. the BRP7 app requires hardware FP64 support and most intel GPUs do not support this. Only a few old generations did from what I recall. Which Intel GPU specifically do you have? I don’t can’t see myself since your host is hidden and you haven’t linked to any host specific page on the website. 

most likely your problem is #2 


Michal Kolisek
Michal Kolisek
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You might be right with the

You might be right with the second one, it's older Intel(r) hd graphics 530 - this one: 


I can definitely try to update the driver for Win 10, but that will very likely not solve the trouble.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Michal Kolisek wrote: You

Michal Kolisek wrote:

You might be right with the second one, it's older Intel(r) hd graphics 530 - this one: 


I can definitely try to update the driver for Win 10, but that will very likely not solve the trouble.

oh ok. 

first, I misread the date on the app. It’s actually been out over a year. My bad on that. 

the HD530 was actually identified as working by the project admin about a year ago. If you don’t have luck with a newer driver, you could also try backdating to a much older driver. 


Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Indeed there are only a few

Indeed there are only a few older Intel GPUs that support fp64. What's worse is that all drivers report fp64 capability regardless of the GPU they're running on, so that information from the driver (and therefore that of the client) is highly unreliable and therefore useless. We tried to filter these GPUs by device name in the plan class criteria, but that distinction might not be sharp enough for your case. I'll see how I can update it. For now you should opt-out of BRP7 for this host.


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