on the topic of this thread : __ User of The Day
Congratulations: _ Shaktai , a good man _ User of The Day at _ Einstein @ home
Profile: Shaktai
Country - United States
Language - English
Total Credit - 89209.139246
TeamTeam MacNN
Date Registered - 8 Nov 2004
Your personal background.
I'm a fraud investigator specializing in wireless telecommunications. Hobbies: Photography and mysteries of life.
Your opinions about Einstein@Home
An opportunity to help verify and understand, one of the great mysteries of physics. Albert Einstein was one of the great minds of the 20th century, and also a pretty nice human being. His vision and intellect has given us hope for a better and more wonderful world, that is greater then just this tiny planet we inhabit.
byron speaking now ...
Shaktai , please I hope you don't take offense by me , reposting your post
but when good people do good things I like the world to know about it
You , and 1 or 2 other people were the only one's who came to this Pearson' defense,
for those of you who don't know about this particular thread
this particular person , was being attacked unjustly and cruelly I thought
because of a particular organization , this person belonged to ,
.... Shaktai , and 1 or 2 other people
were the only the only one's to come to this Pearson defense
Shaktai , had the best post
Shaktai wrote this following post approx. one year ago:[/url]
To all,
There is no nation, religion, fraternity, political or spiritual body that has not had numerous misdeeds and evils committed in their name, by a few misguided and power hungry individuals. Not one person here is so good that they should be casting stones against any other. Not One.
It is wrong to condemn the good works of the many, because of the misdeeds of the few.
@ [ snipped ] I for one welcome the contributions of [ snipped ] to this noble effort. Hold to your higher ideals and do not let the misunderstandings of a few, goad you into foolishness.
I am not a [ snipped ] nor would I be one, though I have studied their ways, and the ways of many others. I acknowledge the good deeds of the many, and put aside the errors of the few, no matter the name they have gathered under.
Only when humanity has learned beyond doubt, that we are not alone in the universe, will we truly come together as a family and learn the humility, beauty and strength of who we are.
Let us all pursue the work at hand, and put aside the foolishness of bias and misunderstanding. Each person here contributes something of goodness and value.
Welcome to the [ snipped ] and to all who participate in the noble adventure we call SETI@HOME
I call it SETI for Hope.
thank you , Shaktai
you always bring a sense of civility to these boards.
You always keep your cool.
thank you for your Humanity and your Eloquence , and your courage to do the right thing.
We need more people like you in the world today.
Kindest Regards ,
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Congratulations: _ Shaktai , a good man _ User of The Day at
[blush] Thanks Byron, for your kind words, and for the positive attitude you bring as well.
Now I warned everyone, that if more folks didn't fill out their profiles, with a picture or graphic, that my mug was going to eventually end up again on the front page. With all these new members coming on board, let's keep that from happening a third time. :-)
Keep on crunching. For the future, hope and humanity.
Team MacNN - The best Macintosh team ever.
thanks , Shaktai on the
thanks , Shaktai
on the topic of this thread : __ User of The Day
Shaktai wrote:
> [blush] Thanks Byron, for your kind words,
> and for the positive attitude you bring as well.
> Now I warned everyone, that if more folks didn't fill out their profiles, with
> a picture or graphic, that my mug was going to eventually end up again on the
> front page. With all these new members coming on board, let's keep that from
> happening a third time. :-)
> Keep on crunching. For the future, hope and humanity.
Hi Shaktai ,
I was thinking the same thing Shaktai , I also , remembered your post urging all us new people to get our profiles filled out ....
and then the very next day .... your profile goes up , on the main page , as User of the Day .... LOL
Shaktai , wrote the following: at this address __ [url=http://einsteinathome.org/goto/comment/1159 ] http://einsteinathome.org/goto/comment/1159[/url]
It is great having so many new folks on board. Now all of you fill out your profiles and add pictures. The users of the day were starting to repeat.
I know the project team will never admit to it, but the real reason they expanded the project, is so that my ugly mug would never come up again as "user of the day" on the front page. In fact, I think the other participants demanded it. ;-)
Seriously, glad to have all of you on board. Like most boinc projects, it might take a little while for the credits to be validated, but they will flow, and the more participants, the quicker they are likely to get validated. Of course, we are all only here for the science.... right?
so , please all you new folks , fill out your profiles and add pictures. The users of the day are starting to repeat.
and then Shaktai wound"t have to be __ User of The Day Again ___ ;-) _____ at leased for a long while ____ ;-) ___ LOL
Happy crunching every one