My computer (i7) reports itself as i686-pc-linux-gnu. It does not get any work.
versions are for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
2021-12-25 01:51:37.7148 [PID=24599] [send] [HOST#12836077] will accept beta work. Scanning for beta work.
2021-12-25 01:51:37.7255 [PID=24599] [version] no app version available: APP#40 (hsgamma_FGRPB1G) PLATFORM#1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) min_version 0
2021-12-25 01:51:37.7332 [PID=24599] [debug] [HOST#12836077] MSG(high) No work sent
2021-12-25 01:51:37.7333 [PID=24599] [debug] [HOST#12836077] MSG(high) Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs is not available for your type of computer.
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You've got some old library
You've got some old library hanging around messing up the works somehow and mis-identifying the cpu.
What does lscpu report?
Hi, lscpu
lscpu says:
... etc.
I tried resetting the project. I tried removing the project and then "add project", "returning user"
Keith Myers wrote: You've
Hi again.
I did service boinc-client stop and removed and service boinc-client start. Now it works again.
When I put back It does not work. I'll have to take a deep look at that.
... and now it works again
... and now it works again with
A mystery to me.
Petri, I just looked at your
Petri, I just looked at your latest libsleep package and was looking at the app_config file which I wondered whether they were required and noticed you have <platform>i686-pc-linux-gnu</platform> in your Milkyway app_config.xml file.
So that is why you were getting errors as you are declaring for an old unused architecture.
You should change that to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu in your file.
Or not even declare platform, plan_class or version UNLESS those are required to implement your cmdline statement.