BRP4 work availability

Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Topic 229052

Hi everyone,

Please note that during the next 5 days there could be a small window of time where we don't have BRP4 work available. We already prepared a new batch of data that we'll move into our pipeline but we want to drain the current batch almost completely, due to post-processing requirements. Our current estimates put this window on Monday, Feb. 13th and we hope we can keep that window within a few hours max.


Einstein@Home Project

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Is there any estimate of how

Is there an estimate of how much BRP4 work there is left?


Thank you.

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Try the server status page

Try the server status page ...

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Thanks. I meant how much work

Thanks. I meant how much work in total there is left, not how many tasks are running/ready to send.

There used to be a progress counter but it hadn't been updated in years and it has disappeared from the Server Status page.

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oops, sorry ...   I

oops, sorry ...


I wonder if that can be estimated beforehand - might vary in depence of the results of successfully finished tasks.


Well, nevermind - I have no idea!


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San-Fernando-Valley wrote:I

San-Fernando-Valley wrote:
I wonder if that can be estimated beforehand - might vary in depence of the results of successfully finished tasks.

That's the same for the estimates of O3MD, FGRP5 and FGRPB1G which are displayed on SSP.


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Do we get now new type of

Do we get now new type of work for BRP4/BRP4G? Current WUs are called something like guppi_57532_GBT820-01252_0008_0001_dms_3752_2040, before it used to be something like p2030.20200510.G55.05-03.86.N.b3s0g0.00000_2856. They also seem to need few CPU cycles more than the old ones (about 5% or so).


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I believe guppi stands for

I believe guppi stands for Greenbank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument.

A number of them have GBT in the work unit name also suggesting they are from the Greenbank telescope. We saw these on Seti@home at one point, although they were looking for signs of ET whereas Einstein are searching for Pulsars.

I have also started seeing some guppi work units with CAND in the work unit name so they may be from another radio telescope. Canada maybe?

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