always getting the info "You have not agreed to the terms of use for Einstein@Home"

Joined: 1 Apr 05
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Topic 231551


under "account" > "credentials" is always a box with this text:

INFO: You have not agreed to the terms of use for Einstein@Home. You may use this form to change your email address and/or password. Please note: you may not delete your account within seven (7) days of changing your email address.

Where can I agree to the terms of use? I couldn't find a box to agree or anything similar and I have not found anything about this in the help section. Or is this information normal?

Yours sincerely, Juergen

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
Joined: 11 Feb 11
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When you first attach a host

When you first attach a host to the Einstein project, the first screens shown to you should have had a Terms of Use contract page for you to agree to.  Somehow that was skipped in your case.

There isn't any mechanism to regenerate that for the user it seems.  You'll need to contact an admin for assistance in solving the database entry for your account.


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