I am looking at both the iGpu's and discreet Intel GPU's.
I am already aware of and experienced the massive slowdown in CPU crunching when older iGpu's from Intel are used.
I am reacting to an opinion piece on "The Register" that says the new generation of Intel GPU's have made no difference in the marketplace.
I am wondering if the GPU drivers from Intel present a common enough interface that older Intel apps could run on the newest GPU's?
Like my friend George, I am curious.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
One thing you may want to
One thing you may want to consider is which projects could use your new gpu, of course Einstein can and a few others can but most can not, so if Einstein were to shut down the app that uses the Intel-gpu then you could be project hoping until they do. One of the projects I looked at even had an Intel-gpu(old) and an Intel-gpu(new) app.
mikey wrote: One thing you
What other projects?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: mikey
PrimeGrid supports Intel gpu's, as does SRBase, Amicable Numbers does too, Gerasim says it does, Private GFN Server, a PrimeGrid test site, does. That's all I could find at the moment though.
Thank you.
Thank you.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote:Thank
No problem, I will do a more extensive look as soon as I have a few minutes.
It looks like you can explore
It looks like you can explore this with a used A750 for under $200 on eBay.
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: It looks like
I had to 'thin the herd' last week so don't need any more gpu's right now. SOME of my lights were flickering and my electric company said I was consistently pulling 210amps thru my 200amp main panel and that was the problem, the same lights are still flickering and I am down 8 pc's. I will stop in and see what the electric company says I'm pulling right now to see what the next step is, they said going upto a 320amp panel could be as much as 6K$US, or more, and that's not happening. If they need to use the 'mole' the price can be as high as 10 to 12K$US.
mikey wrote: Tom M
Wow I didn't realize ARM CPU's drew that much power.
It is clear that a lot of your systems are not running e@h. What projects are they running?
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: What projects
Here's Mikey's list from BoincStats...
Proud member of the Old Farts Association
GWGeorge007 wrote: Tom M
Thanks George that makes things easy.
Tom no I am not running Einstein exclusively except on my 3 Raspberry-Pi model 4's, I have started back on doing some 03AS tasks again but only because I can't get the tasks i want from either GPUGrid or Amicable Numbers. As you can see on the list I am #4 in the World in total credits and I WAS catching the guy who passed me a couple years ago at #3 but he got a couple of Nvidia 4070 gpu's and has been blowing me out of the water in credits per day. In fact he's now more than a Billion credits ahead of me and on most days is still pulling away from me and with me having to 'thin the herd' the chase is probably a moot point now.