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mikey commented on the waiting room
Quote:Old school crunching is history. I'm in the waitingroom till e@h is starting cuda crunching. Saw a example with...
22nd May 2009
Quote:My computer is idle... :( 03/05/2009 05:44:54||Starting BOINC client version 6.2.14 for windows_intelx86 03/05/...
19th May 2009
Quote:I have looked at several sources of information on the internet about CUDA programming and found that there is...
17th May 2009
mikey commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote:Quote: Do you have a link to "Willie's site"? Also the new ATI 4770 has 640 'stream processors', are those...
10th May 2009
mikey commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote:Quote:Quote:If you look at my stats on Willie's site you will see that the vast majority of my work is on GPU...
10th May 2009