Vectored code : tessellation & other functions using SIMD & Compute Shader maths

Joined: 5 Nov 17
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Topic 219120

Website Development : 3D : Vulkan Stack for web page,data,science & gaming.

Stack list:

HTML DOM (Document Object Model) >
PHP & Database >
JS - JQuery & JQuery 3D feature stack>
WebGL >
WebGL Compute &

Streamline API

Vulkan API - Direct Render : Ray trace the Audio/Video/Text & Visuals and force/ gravitational effect paths,
Use Vulkan - Direct Compute OpenCL to trace , optimisation and pre-render Vertices,Borders,Renderings & pass Vector trace to GPU & Back To Direct Compute OpenCL.

= Interactive 3D & Web


HTML DOM (Document Object Model)

"The DOM is the structure a web browser generates from an HTML file. The browser reads the HTML file and generates a version of the elements that is formatted for your JavaScript code to communicate with. We need this “translated” version of the HTML so that we can use JavaScript to talk to the elements on the page. If JavaScript could not talk to the DOM, we wouldn’t be able to use JavaScript to change the appearance of the page."

3D Document manipulation though the use of JQuery


PHP & Database stack to handle program data and formatting...
& because PHP can output pages and windows in code formatted in DOM and HTML5
We can create menus and pages that do not require the use of large file sets..

Code repetition is the secret of the PHP and database system,
Other systems like sites written in HTML require pages to be written to the server &

PHP with the database stack is a sensible system to reduce the nessety to use Lots of storage for the site code,

PHP code can create multiple window sets with Dom orientated Dynamic JS and HTML5 Dynamically
Using the principle of JQuery & JQuery 3D feature stack.


So HTML5 & DOM create windows, frames & interactive content:

However we need to use standards that create animated objects & people,
While we can draw basic 3D objects in HTML5 we also would like them animated..

3DMax, AutoCAD & other formats provide motion for vectors so we need HTML5 to animate objects though OpenGL, WebGL & Vulkan.. So we need formatting to create motion in GL.

Tables of motion & reaction, created in small database sets, Database sets can be compressed & should be.

For this purpose we use databases, more than 1 so we are able to store sets of objects within the scene or web page.. In essence we stack compressed databases & this allows us to both interact with the page & stop downloading data or save bandwidth.


Trace & Compute : Open CL Direct Compute, GLES,GL,Vulkan,Direct X : Video Effects

Ray trace the audio and force/ gravitational effect paths
Use open CL to trace , optimisation and pre-render, Light & Sound & effects such as force-fields,

By Intercepting occlusion in comparison to OpenCL Direct compute directives of force & motion & energy .. Direct compute (OpenGLES 3.1,Vulkan, Open GL & Direct X..

Direct Compute Open CL is able to ray trace anything from simple dynamic effects to bullet trace sound effects, With direct mapped effective & efficient Direct Compute OpenCL in 3 modes:

direct mapped effective & efficient Direct Compute OpenCL in 3 modes:
Real time
Pre-Rendered on load (scene & lighting, base shadow effects)
Interception real-time pre-render (Microseconds) with Spontaneous : Active CL (tm)

Use of cone, AE Effects lower the CPU/AVX/GPU processor usage while maintaining effectiveness.

Library builds reduce development costs with Real-Time Engines.

Other effective use of compute such as maths are 100% Effective both in games & on the web.


LUT tables and tone mapping:

On the subject of LUT tables and tone mapping, 2 methods are available to us..

The Vectors can be mapped RT with ray tracing (they work out the vector)

The Vectors and dimensions can also be worked out with Open CL and Direct Compute..
Both OpenGL/Vulkan & Direct X have direct compute..

Many forms of vector calculation that involve intricate maths can be worked out in vector or OpenCL Vector library function, The advantage of Open CL Libraries are that functions and tables can be worked out without ever having to re program the maths solving OpenCL Code,

Such that Open CL & Direct compute libraries can for-fill many tasks, Bearing in mind that Open CL & Direct compute are work solve time controlled we are able to use the functions for many tasks including web browser maths and composure, With these examples we' will define the future of display maths code & logic.

AVX & Float can obviously be used leaving Compute vectors like SIMD viable for code logic.
Compute Shaders are also able, Long logic denotes the advantage of Vectored OpenCL & Direct compute/AVX.

Vectored code : tessellation & other functions using SIMD & Compute Shader maths:



WebCLGL : Libraries & JS

WebCLGL use WebGL2 specification to interpret code.
WebGL is used like OpenCL for GPGPU calculus using the traditional Render To Texture technique.

WebGL Compute

Open Source Driver for Vulkan : Debian/Ubuntu/Linux

run this after downloading file:

sudo chmod 774
sudo ./

GL to Vulkan : gfx-portability : Prototype library implementing Vulkan Portability Initiative using gfx-hal. See gfx-rs meta issue for backend limitations and further details.

OpenGLES/OpenCL/OpenGL/Vulkan API : Mac:Windows:Linux:Android

Texture & polygon optimiser & compressor


Compiler books & reading :
