> Good grief. Zappa, were he still alive, would now be 65. Why on earth would
> someone who grew up listening to him suddenly lose their passion?!
Well, let's just say, if my parents heard me listening to zappa, they would think I am crazy. They claim to have listened to underground music in their days, but I can guarantee the words Zappa would leave them clueless.
> Grrrr. Young whippersnappers.
Grr... old people who hate music!
such things just should not be writ so please destroy this if you wish to live 'tis better in ignorance to dwell than to go screaming into the abyss worse than hell
> > By the way, are there ANY other women here? :)
> For what it's worth, the main scientist behind the core of the data analysis
> code that we are running under Einstein@Home is a woman, Marialessandra Papa.
> [Full disclosure: Marialessandra is also my wife.]
> Marialessandra is the captain of the current 'top team' (Einstein@Work)
> although she has been neglecting the team recently to help sort out some of
> the problems and issues that have come up.
> I'll ask David Hammer if he's willing to change the name of the Einstein@UWM
> team to Einstein@UW. So stand by, please.
Molly, Bruce,
I kind of like the idea of having separate teams for the UW system universities. My thinking is that students and faculty would be more likely to promote Einstein@Home if there is a team specifically for their university. My hope is that when a student sees that their university does not have a team they would become the team founder and encourage there friends to join up as well.
So I encourage you to start up a team (Einstein@UW-Madison?) and try to get as many people to join up as possible. I am sure you could pass up UWM in no time.
Just testing my new avatar. :) Actually, since I'm already posting, if I were to start up a UW-Madison team, does anyone have ideas as to how to advertise the fact that the team exists even though it won't make it onto the "highest ranking" lists?
Litha wrote:
> [...] does anyone have ideas as to how to advertise the fact that the team exists [...]
Maybe you could create a signature promoting your new team with a short description and a link to the team page on this website to make it easier for people to join.
anyways, this einstein @ home project is prettty dominiated by mans (in german " MÄAENNER"...uuuhhhhhhhhhhh i get headdddachche! AUA*boiiinningÜ*) but i found a womans friendsly team here in which you can join me because 99% are WOMAN there and only very littttle small man with very litttle "FRIENDS" beneath (m!l!ek!):
> Good grief. Zappa, were he
> Good grief. Zappa, were he still alive, would now be 65. Why on earth would
> someone who grew up listening to him suddenly lose their passion?!
Well, let's just say, if my parents heard me listening to zappa, they would think I am crazy. They claim to have listened to underground music in their days, but I can guarantee the words Zappa would leave them clueless.
> Grrrr. Young whippersnappers.
Grr... old people who hate music!
such things just should not be writ so please destroy this if you wish to live 'tis better in ignorance to dwell than to go screaming into the abyss worse than hell
> Grr... old people who hate
> Grr... old people who hate music!
Let me assure you that when I was listening to Zappa in the seventies, my parents were not well pleased. ;)
Look here, brother, who you jiving with that cosmic debris?--Frank Zappa.
> > By the way, are there ANY
> > By the way, are there ANY other women here? :)
> For what it's worth, the main scientist behind the core of the data analysis
> code that we are running under Einstein@Home is a woman, Marialessandra Papa.
> [Full disclosure: Marialessandra is also my wife.]
> Marialessandra is the captain of the current 'top team' (Einstein@Work)
> although she has been neglecting the team recently to help sort out some of
> the problems and issues that have come up.
> I'll ask David Hammer if he's willing to change the name of the Einstein@UWM
> team to Einstein@UW. So stand by, please.
Molly, Bruce,
I kind of like the idea of having separate teams for the UW system universities. My thinking is that students and faculty would be more likely to promote Einstein@Home if there is a team specifically for their university. My hope is that when a student sees that their university does not have a team they would become the team founder and encourage there friends to join up as well.
So I encourage you to start up a team (Einstein@UW-Madison?) and try to get as many people to join up as possible. I am sure you could pass up UWM in no time.
Just testing my new avatar.
Just testing my new avatar. :) Actually, since I'm already posting, if I were to start up a UW-Madison team, does anyone have ideas as to how to advertise the fact that the team exists even though it won't make it onto the "highest ranking" lists?
Well, that didn't work.
Well, that didn't work.
Litha wrote: > [...] does
Litha wrote:
> [...] does anyone have ideas as to how to advertise the fact that the team exists [...]
Maybe you could create a signature promoting your new team with a short description and a link to the team page on this website to make it easier for people to join.
Greetings from another female participant. :o)
> > Greetings from another
> Greetings from another female participant. :o)
Oh WOW, that's 5 of us :-)
> > > > Greetings from
> >
> > Greetings from another female participant. :o)
> >
> Oh WOW, that's 5 of us :-)
> Marj
noppppeeeé 6 of us!***hihih*)
HALLLO, let me intrdodcue me to you! my name is pandi i am a strong female and a woman from goood old germany where we are allllwoeed to vote for the presidency since 2004 and I was one of the few woman rightist fighter who change the votiting law machiné (with my legenendyry ATOMIC FIST - by the way i like to wear coloruful stretch legggins because they are SOOOooOoo COMFORTBBBLE!!MMuhihhahiüü**!!).
anyways, this einstein @ home project is prettty dominiated by mans (in german " MÄAENNER"...uuuhhhhhhhhhhh i get headdddachche! AUA*boiiinningÜ*) but i found a womans friendsly team here in which you can join me because 99% are WOMAN there and only very littttle small man with very litttle "FRIENDS" beneath (m!l!ek!):
welll so i hope that you ALLL my dear frieiends (5) willll join us and so that we can get powerfuulll and jumppp to #1 at the rakninings!
lets go FURTHER SO!
greeetings from the capitlal of germany
with much love and strong GRLPOWER,
P.S. after einstein projekt i sugggesst that we woman organzie MARYCURY@HOME as the booiinnnggg-projkect for 2006! gooood idea?
By the way, are there ANY
By the way, are there ANY other women here? :)
yes indeed! *wave hand*
me for example
> >
> > Greetings from another female participant. :o)
which cannot be Pandaschnitzel for he has at least two genders
> >
the Special Offtopic forum (OTF) team is mostly ruled by guys,
but a few woman still hold on ;-)
I'd be glad if you join our team!
And forget about Panda, he's just the clown in the user2user forum at heise.de.
Greetz from
The Huntress
Kuss Schahatziiiiiii! und gute Nacht!
> And forget about Panda,
> And forget about Panda, he's just the clown in the user2user forum at
> heise.de.
actually/unfortunately he's not the only one
nevertheless it's a great community