Is there a GPU version of the app in the works?

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Any update on the Einstein

Any update on the Einstein cuda app?

Are you waiting on some other changes (such as boinc upgrades, CUDA 2.2 to settle down, etc) before releasing it for testing?

Anything we can do to help the cause?


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Is it polite to make a bump

Is it polite to make a bump and a very polite request for some update?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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We are still working on it.

We are still working on it. There is some progress, but we are not done yet. The work on an ABP1 CUDA App is currently a bit ahead of a S5R5 one, so that might come out first, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Please bear with us.



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RE: We are still working on

Message 87193 in response to message 87192


We are still working on it. There is some progress, but we are not done yet. The work on an ABP1 CUDA App is currently a bit ahead of a S5R5 one, so that might come out first, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Please bear with us.


This question may not make sense since EAH is hosting the pulsar search, but your comment above brings it to mind. Any thought on enabling the preferences to allow for the ABP search only?

I realize you might risk losing some EAH participants (perhaps), but it seems to me the upside is you would get additional volunteers who would want to crunch the ABP data only.

Just a thought.


John Clark
John Clark
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It would be nice to see ATI

It would be nice to see ATI Radeon HD 38xx and 48xx GPU clients as well. Milkyway went the ATI route as they needed double precision in their science and the nVidia GTX 2xx series did not meet this requirement. Now there is efforts to make their client CUDA GPU responsive.

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: RE: We are still

Message 87195 in response to message 87193


We are still working on it. There is some progress, but we are not done yet. The work on an ABP1 CUDA App is currently a bit ahead of a S5R5 one, so that might come out first, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Please bear with us.


This question may not make sense since EAH is hosting the pulsar search, but your comment above brings it to mind. Any thought on enabling the preferences to allow for the ABP search only?

No, the fact that you cannot opt-out of the LIGO data processing experiment (currently S5R5) was a deliberate choice. Project management recently decided to keep it this way (discussed in another thread).



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As BOINC does not support \

As BOINC does not support \ have the skil to write a code that runs on AMD
cards we can only hope for a new Cluster Physik, I wish that he could be cloned :)

At the moment my single HD4870 card spiting out 10X the credit as my Q6600 and i7 put togeather. My creds have skyrocketing from 5000 to 50000 a day.:)

Keap on crawling Einstein ;)

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RE: As BOINC does not

Message 87197 in response to message 87196


As BOINC does not support \ have the skil to write a code that runs on AMD
cards we can only hope for a new Cluster Physik, I wish that he could be cloned :)

At the moment my single HD4870 card spiting out 10X the credit as my Q6600 and i7 put togeather. My creds have skyrocketing from 5000 to 50000 a day.:)

Keap on crawling Einstein ;)

You have to remember that Nvidia supplied a couple of cards and the programming expertise to get cuda supported. ATI did not. That is why it isn't currently supported. ATI support is, according to the BOINC roadmap, slated for the 6.10 versions.

While we could debate the merits of either brand the reality is Nvidia put its money where its mouth is and ATI choose not to. If you want your ATI card supported why not ask the executives at ATI to provide resources so that ATI support can be added sooner?

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It is already supporte by

It is already supporte by Folding@home and I crunch for them also
as they are kapable to write codes for both AMD and NVIDIA.

If BOINC chose to not include the chrunching power of AMD
just becaus they did not provide the card we can
put it to good use outside BOINC thank's to the Stanford group. ;)

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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I guess more important than

I guess more important than getting hardware is direct support from NVIDIA experts and driver developers. Both ATI and NVIDIA will support the OpenCL standard in the future and we'll see more cross-GPU-platform projects then, but in the "first round" of GPGPU computing, NVIDIA clearly has offered better support for developers.


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