System of badges :-)

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... most posters don't seem

... most posters don't seem to understand how much effort/time is needed (aka wasted) in order to develop/maintain/manage/administer (... whatever) such pretty icons (usually silly looking).

Besides resources (i.e. extra hardware) that are needed to track (keep the info up-to-date) such a "system"- which usually cost money ($$$) ...

E@H doesn't need such frilly frills, because it is a mature, good developed, project with excellent scientists (and crunchers) on all participating levels.

I personally solved the problem of missing "badges" by making/drawing little colorful pictograms on paper, then cutting them out for my kids, who then pin them on their baseball jackets ...

Hmm, I think it's getting too hot in here ...  ,so just ignore the above last sentence.

Happy crunching to everyone!






[AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
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I only crunch for badges

I only crunch for badges :D

Projects (and their members) that consider themselves to be "superior", "mature", "professional" and badge system to be "foolish", "childish", "useless" are just racist, discriminative and pedant :)

If you don't like badge on a project that have implemented badges, just don't display them and crunch for it if you like the project.

And since when implementing badges will cost tons of money to the project ? there is already a badge feature proposed in boinc server software... 

Credit and badges are just incentives because some people like them, if you don't like credit and badges in a project then just ignore them, it does not mean you have to forbid it for everybody, unless you like to shoot at your own foot. 

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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{AF>Le_Pommier} Jerome_C2005

{AF>Le_Pommier} Jerome_C2005 wrote:
Projects (and their members) that consider themselves to be "superior", "mature", "professional" and badge system to be "foolish", "childish", "useless" are just racist, discriminative and pedant :)

Particularly you, but also San-Fernando-Valley, are out of line.  You are obviously trying to start a fight and If you attempt to continue in this vein, you'll get banned.

It's not appropriate to attribute words to others - words that haven't actually been used (at least not recently) - as if it is exactly what was said.  However the main problem is the final bit which is clearly designed to incite a heated response.  Please don't do that.

To all future contributors to this thread.  The Devs would be well aware of the pros and cons of this without you having to reinvent all the same tired old arguments, on both sides.  Unless you have something new and useful to add, please give it a rest.


[AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
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I fully agree with you !!!

I fully agree with you !!! there is a concept in my answer that is called "humour" and also "second degree" and it is intended to qualify those who came here to say "badges is just rubbish".

All that you explain exactly apply to what they say.


Markus Windisch
Markus Windisch
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Gary Roberts schrieb:To all

Gary Roberts wrote:
To all future contributors to this thread.  The Devs would be well aware of the pros and cons of this without you having to reinvent all the same tired old arguments, on both sides.  Unless you have something new and useful to add, please give it a rest.

I like the idea of Badges, but there's an exponential growth in computing power. A gold patch of 2012 is not worth anything in 2021 and the diamond batch of 2021 won't be much in 2030.

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Markus Windisch wrote:Gary

Markus Windisch wrote:

Gary Roberts wrote:
To all future contributors to this thread.  The Devs would be well aware of the pros and cons of this without you having to reinvent all the same tired old arguments, on both sides.  Unless you have something new and useful to add, please give it a rest.

I like the idea of Badges, but there's an exponential growth in computing power. A gold patch of 2012 is not worth anything in 2021 and the diamond batch of 2021 won't be much in 2030.

Yes & No.

No, 'cause: Diamond badge is till a Diamond, 2012 or 2030. Same amount of time or RAC is needed to achieve it.

Yes, 'cause: some versions of hardware can be specifically built to achieve the goals more easily in 2030. But still, those machines need to be built. Or else, Diamond will be elusive!


& idea of badges is not to get it. Idea of the badges is to "attract users" to have them. Attracting users to have them, will attract users to put funds & resources into the machines to get the badges. So people should participate in those research more.

All my badges in signature tells the same story:

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KLiK wrote: & idea of badges

KLiK wrote:

& idea of badges is not to get it. Idea of the badges is to "attract users" to have them. Attracting users to have them, will attract users to put funds & resources into the machines to get the badges. So people should participate in those research more.

All my badges in signature tells the same story: 


Mine too!!!

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Also, as some users

Also, as some users actually contributed & found Pulsars so it would be nice to give them special kind of badges. Something similar has GPUgrid, with their badges for "scientific publications badges" see image here: 

While Level badges are only for RAC, see here:

This will attract more users, as we like badges. Just see our "signatures". ????

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I second the idea of

I second the idea of utilizing GPUgrid's badge style with specific scientific results. Though I have faith that my crunching is doing something, and don't necessarily NEED badges to keep contributing, GPUgrid's badges showing specific publications has cemented them firmly in my "top resource share percentage" group due to the credibility it lends them.

It's a rare instance of a badge that doesn't just act as a shiny incentive for badge-hunters to stick around (not that there's anything wrong with that), but also showing that each individual can contribute towards something truly tangible in the sciences.

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badges would be awesome. 

badges would be awesome.  Maybe a special one if you find pulsar? 


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