reduced crunching time

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RE: RE: May I ask if I'll

Message 22319 in response to message 22318

May I ask if I'll be compromising credits for faster crunch
times? crunch times have been cut in half.


The individual request/claim will be lower, but you will ask for more of them ...

Thanks Paul, I've been out of the loop for almost a year, switched over
from Linux to Mac, just trying to get things refigured out.

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RE: Just installed

Message 22320 in response to message 22317


Just installed superbench 5.2.13 for Mac OS X
Whet. 4211
Dhry. 14175


May I ask if I'll be compromising credits for faster crunch
times? crunch times have been cut in half.

I'm totally lost... Crunch times (especially on Einstein!) shouldn't be affected AT ALL by installing the Team MacNN "superbench" - it is designed a) for SETI, and b) for increasing the _benchmarks_, and therefore the _claimed_ credit. (Paul misread your question as being about an optimized _application_ and not an optimized _client_, or isn't familiar with the Team MacNN 'superbench' terminology.)

Your computers are hidden, so I can't see your results and times, but my _guess_ is one of two things.

a) you _also_ installed the Team MacNN Altivec-optimized SETI application, which would cut your SETI crunching times in half, and are just posting on the wrong board; in which case the halving of time on the SETI results, combined with the doubling of your benchmark scores, should mean you are doing twice as much work, each claiming about the same as before, and will wind up with twice as much SETI credit overall. Or...

b) you happened to automatically get the new "Albert" Einstein application downloaded at about the same time you installed the optimized BOINC client. This new application has _varying_ length results, from 25% to 100% of the "old" times, and the first ones you've done happen to be about "50%".

As far as Einstein credits, Macs normally claim a _little_ bit "low". You will now be claiming somewhat high, but not (I think) totally unreasonable. I could judge better if I knew what kind of Mac(s) you have... please consider allowing your computers to be seen; if it's security you're concerned about, look at the info that is visible on mine when you click on my name - it's a lot less than you see on your _own_ computers.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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Yes I missed that

Yes I missed that part.

But one more point, the new Altivec enabled application for Einstein@Home, soon to be replaced by Albert is by itself twice as fast on the G5 as it was before. So, that is what I was thinking of.

My G5 does a model in about 4 hours, down from 7-8 and so is claiming less. But I do more models, and by the nature of the credit beast usually get paired with people running Windows and so get a higher award than claimed.

John Cropper
John Cropper
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Paul, would an optimized

Message 22322 in response to message 22321

Paul, would an optimized -BOINC- client counter-balance the low claimed credit issue for MAC, or simply enhance (lower) the claimed credit issue in this instance?

Stewie: So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

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RE: Paul, would an

Message 22323 in response to message 22322

Paul, would an optimized -BOINC- client counter-balance the low claimed credit issue for MAC, or simply enhance (lower) the claimed credit issue in this instance?

The optimized BOINC client is what xi3piscium installed; it will raise the credit claims. Not knowing the specific details, I don't know if it will "compensate" or "OVERcompensate". I _suspect_ based on what I saw on my Mac Mini (1.25GHz G4) it will overcompensate - the Einstein app is almost perfectly optimized for my Mac, and my claimed credits were around 80 when I was running the optimized (but not superbench) client. xi3piscium's Mac is a bit faster than mine, an iMac G5, but the Einstein optimization is a little "less ideal" (you get more gain on a G4 than a G5), while the superbench is "extreme"... so I'm guessing the claimed credit will be 90-100.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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RE: Paul, would an

Message 22324 in response to message 22322

Paul, would an optimized -BOINC- client counter-balance the low claimed credit issue for MAC, or simply enhance (lower) the claimed credit issue in this instance?

The crux of the argument is that there is really a "known" and proper claim. Because it was hoped that the benchmark and execution times would be sufficiently accurate this option was chosen over doing actual work count (FLOPS counting).

THe accuracy and stability of the benchmark and its lack of true correlation to real world performance for any of the projects are the final flaws.

All that said, my fundamental belief, proved by my testing is that if you REALLY want the best credit score, do what I do. Be low bidder. :)

That is, run the optimized science applications (default option for Mac Einsteein@Home aprticipants), don't worry about an optimized BOINC Client. Not needed. My claims are almost always the lowest, so therefore I get the benefit from the pull. That is why I think it is so funny that people are worrying about their benchmark scores when they are irrelevant... They are better off just with the simplest configuration.

Of course, if all you want is a high credit score, run CPDN. Best CS per second ... I am waiting for the final of SETI@Home enhanced to see what it does in that regard.

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Paul and Michael, thank you

Paul and Michael, thank you for the insightful replies. Michael I apologize
for posting in the wrong forum. Thank you for your patience. I will make
my computer visible. Mike it was the optimized BOINC Client for MAC G5.
Mike here's what I found about my computer:

Machine Name: iMac G5
Machine Model: PowerMac8,1
CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1.6 GHz
L2 Cache(per CPU):512 KB
Memory: 768 MB
Bus Speed: 533 MHz
Boot ROM Version:5.2.2f4

Michael I'm not shooting for just credits, I should have been much clearer
in my post, would just like my new iMac to run S@H and E@H as efficiently
as possible. Thanks again Paul and Michael for you patience and insights.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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RE: Michael I'm not

Message 22326 in response to message 22325

Michael I'm not shooting for just credits, I should have been much clearer
in my post, would just like my new iMac to run S@H and E@H as efficiently
as possible. Thanks again Paul and Michael for you patience and insights.

Its cool. :)

For Einstein@Home, thankfully, there is nothing that needs to be done. They run better than the Windows version for us out of the box.

Heck, with Albert, My G5 seems to have done several in 51 minutes, down from 4+ hours. Not bad. Of course, it is going to be more like LHC@Home with wider variation in run times ... but, I gotta love doing more work units in the same time period. Much, much more science in the same time ...

I love happy endings ...

==== Edit

Can't be the wrong forum, its the only place I visit ... :)

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RE: Michael I'm not

Message 22327 in response to message 22325

Michael I'm not shooting for just credits, I should have been much clearer in my post, would just like my new iMac to run S@H and E@H as efficiently as possible.

If you also installed the Team MacNN "alpha-5" SETI application, then you have done everything possible at this time, and the "superbench" in that case is also probably exactly correct!

Welcome to BOINC!

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If you also installed the

Message 22328 in response to message 22327

If you also installed the Team MacNN "alpha-5" SETI application, then you have done everything possible at this time, and the "superbench" in that case is also probably exactly correct!

Welcome to BOINC!

Bill to be honest I tried installing the "alpha-5" SETI application, I'm not
sure if it is only to be run from a terminal or what? Thanks for welcoming me
back, I was out of the loop for almost a year, stuck without a computer I could
use for these projects. It's just good to be crunching again!

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