I like the part about "underwears heaving" and "underwears moaning". But the "gender cyst" seems like the sad result of unprotected heaving and moaning. E.E. Cummings meets Dr. Seuss meets Dr. Drew meets the Dr. at the free clinic.
When will people learn to take a reality check before the heat of the moment????
I like the part about "underwears heaving" and "underwears moaning". But the "gender cyst" seems like the sad result of unprotected heaving and moaning. E.E. Cummings meets Dr. Seuss meets Dr. Drew meets the Dr. at the free clinic.
When will people learn to take a reality check before the heat of the moment????
RE: I like the part about
As a whole... probably just past never.
The most common juvenile last
The most common juvenile last words:
"Wait until I tell Mom!"
Those who don’t build must burn. It’s as old as history and juvenile delinquents.
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
RE: The most common
And Mom's final word was "No." Unless I wanted to go find a switch...
Actually, my mon's words
Actually, my mon's words were, "Wait until your dad gets home!"
RE: RE: I like the part
Anguish Languish
For the curious
Have a Nice Day
Hands up if you've ever
Hands up if you've ever uttered this phrase.....
'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?'
No, but I've often wondered,
No, but I've often wondered, if they develop a supersonic train, will they give it a whistle?
A mag-lev supersonic train!
A mag-lev supersonic train! Can I have one Dad? Huh? Huh?
Sorry son, not until you've
Sorry son, not until you've cleaned your room.