Poor old Chris S can't comment on anything on his own until he's crunched a couple of units to get some credit. Using me as a proxy.
Mrs Miggins - A lady of uncommon refinement
Back again for another win
Thank you for your participation...
Freedom of Speech is a cherished right in every democracy and democratic institution.
Time for some more victorious participation.
like this!!
Physics is for gurls!
That's the way to do it!
oh yeah!! watch me! uh huh! I so got it!! oh yeah! Work it!
I'm on the...top of the world...lookin'...down on creation...
It's the Dan & Esme show folks! stay tuned
Poor old Chris S can't
Poor old Chris S can't comment on anything on his own until he's crunched a couple of units to get some credit. Using me as a proxy.
Mrs Miggins - A lady of uncommon refinement
Back again for another win
Back again for another win
RE: Back again for another
Thank you for your participation...
Freedom of Speech is a cherished right in every democracy and democratic institution.![](http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y62/Dogbytes/animated_USflag.gif)
Time for some more victorious
Time for some more victorious participation.
like this!!
like this!!
Physics is for gurls!
RE: like
That's the way to do it!
That's the way to do it!
Mrs Miggins - A lady of uncommon refinement
oh yeah!! watch me! uh huh! I
oh yeah!! watch me! uh huh! I so got it!! oh yeah! Work it!
Physics is for gurls!
I'm on the...top of the
I'm on the...top of the world...lookin'...down on creation...
It's the Dan & Esme show
It's the Dan & Esme show folks! stay tuned
Mrs Miggins - A lady of uncommon refinement