The Last Person To Post Here Wins - 22

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Goodnight everyone. :-)

Goodnight everyone. :-)

Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: INFJs are gentle,

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

Oh we always knew that Anniet's were special, but there are rather more than 70 million of them, 74 million actually, hence their maths issues :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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The Monday morning waffle...

The Monday morning waffle...

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

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RE: RE: INFJs are gentle,

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

Oh we always knew that Anniet's were special, but there are rather more than 70 million of them, 74 million actually, hence their maths issues :-))

Thanks for looking that up, 74 million huh, I guess that's better than 100 million, but only but thiiiiiiis much.

Good morning everyone, it's just after 7am here and I have the doors and windows open for the first time in a few days, it's actually in the low 60's outside right now!! My basement may actually drop down into the upper 80's if I can get some air flowing!! My tomato plants must have grown a foot this past week, they have burst out the top of their cages and I need to add another 36 inch section on top of the existing section for all 5 planters. It's amazing what some 90+ degree days and some water from my rain barrel can do for them!! Guess that's why they are also called WEEDS by some people!!

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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Extra ten minutes break to

Extra ten minutes break to win.

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

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RE: I'm claiming a before

I'm claiming a before dinner (pork chops, potatoes, apples) win

Wise move. Anytime between cooking it and eating it, it's liable to be nudged onto the floor...

and possibly dribbled on...


74 million actually, hence their maths issues

I couldn't be bothered with the decimal. I suppose when dealing with such large numbers you should really. But I didn't.

Thanks for looking that up, 74 million huh, I guess that's better than 100 million, but only but thiiiiiiis much.

Oh I wouldn't worry. If you throw in left-handed, female, and twin, the numbers come right down, mikey :) to less than 14,000 or so I think. Then pop in clumsy... and there's apparently only 5000 of us. Spread over a land surface of 149 million km.

It makes one anniet per 30,000 square kilometres, or one every 102,000km if we include the fact that we occasionally do bob about in water from time to time.

Good tomato news isn't it, everyone :)

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
Joined: 22 Oct 08
Posts: 434
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*thinks about Annie bobbing

*thinks about Annie bobbing about the ocean like a message in a bottle* :)

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Oh I wouldn't worry. If

Oh I wouldn't worry. If you throw in left-handed, female, and twin, the numbers come right down, mikey :) to less than 14,000 or so I think. Then pop in clumsy... and there's apparently only 5000 of us. Spread over a land surface of 149 million [Sq] km. It makes one anniet per 30,000 square kilometres.

The maths are about correct, so that must make me very lucky to have met an Anniet in an area half the size of Southern England :-))* But they do say that left handed people are very artistic, emotional, and perceptive. Couple that with an infinity for nailed planks + INFJ and watch out peeps! But for those interested, and I certainly am, try the test for yourself Test

Late edit I'm an ISTJ

* Suddenly realises that there must be another one out there somewhere ..... the twin? ..... ducks behind sofa .....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Ooooops, I tested as an INTJ

Ooooops, I tested as an INTJ but medicine was not amongst the suggested careers. Allegedly I'm supposed to market myself. As if ! But apart from that it's accurate : I know what I don't know, I don't give the least crap for social rituals*, I ruthlessly apply the criterion "Does it work?"**, and I really want people to make sense. Mea culpa. :-)

Anyway punting for the Tuesday win here is ..... you know DownUnda we used the word 'waffle' as in to describe someone as 'waffling on' when they speak. This means they are droning on about some BS or other of non-interest. In the edible line of things we have thick toast I s'pose.

We also had a national bludge day holiday for to get plastered, like we really care about celebrating Queen Lizzie's birthday.

@Annie : Beware as SpaceX is launching another Waffle Iron Rocket in a day or three, so find a very deep bunker, beneath a tectonic plate for preference eyes up !

Cheers, Mike.

* So you won't find me as a member of Some Club Of Shared Delusion(s).

** .... including to the very test that suggests this. :-)

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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RE: I couldn't be bothered


I couldn't be bothered with the decimal. I suppose when dealing with such large numbers you should really. But I didn't.

Let's try these numbers then:

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