Jumbled Word Game #4

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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The letter 'Y' does not come

The letter 'Y' does not come last.

The 'H' stands phonetically alone.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Yeah, but the horse is

Yeah, but the horse is thinking "does my hair parting seem too casual?

Possibly the least of his worries...

...I'm going for the Brian Ferry look." :

Ooh! Brian Ferry :) *pause for girlie ga-ga moment* Sorry... what were you saying?

"...now if only Genghis will let me wear the shades". :-)

Y-e-e-e-s... Probably best he doesn't with a fringe THAT long... unless the Brian Ferry look (Ooh! Brian Ferry *pause for girlie ga-ga moment* :)) includes galloping along with the darn things "coolly" snarled in your hair and giving your face a good slapping.

See a sight like that hoving into view and you're not going to take the person riding it very seriously are you. Actually, what am I talking about... YOU probably would :)

So what's been happening with this absolute atrocity you gave us to unjumble...?

edit: oh...

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RE: aacddeghimmnnoorstyy


There has GOT to be a better cure for insomnia than THIS... :)

CyanideSandGyratohomm - from the French - similar in every respect to the salt cellar - except for what it is filled with. Created by Josephine when she'd finally had enough of being told "not tonight" and decided that in that case, for him, it would be never.

DycondyanGhostMaimer - one of the tools used against the staypufft marshmallow man

YoorNayGetinHaddcmms - Scotland's newest addition to the English dictionary and the basis of Sean Connery's planned manifesto for political office - to gather as many silent letters as possible and dump them at the end of words - in this case the letters C D M and S

edit: Dogaacdehimmnnorstyy - domesticated canine (updated spelling)

another edit: forgot to do the bold thing.

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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Chuck in a clue : The word

Chuck in a clue :

The word could be used in the fields of physics and engineering.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Chuck in a clue

Chuck in a clue :

*chuck it straight out again*


The word could be used in the fields of physics and engineering.

Cheers, Mike.

Oh it could could it? *toss head disparagingly* fies ol K poy#d gdfg hwyt SPUBF ibw pg rgiwa@ *retrieve head before cat runs off with it* yes... like I um... said.... what if I don't feel like DOING one of those? You can't make me... no one can...

*give Mike an anniet all-knowing-look*

HeinstyncModdoraygam - behind the scenes ranting indulged in by Einstein's moderators when something gets up their noses, either collectively, or individually.

Oh alright :) I'll give you some scientific engineering ones too...

GynetacDyHoModrimans - describes the transitionary phase in the genetic alterations occuring in the y chromosome (due to active breeding selection by women) in order to facilitate first the "modern man" in touch with his feminine side and then ultimately to bring all men up to a level where uncivilised "cave man" behaviour will be a thing of the past. We have a LONG way to go on that one... :)

NoydyTodgarMechanism - cave man trait that gave rise to the GynetacDyHoModrimans movement in early cave women - subsequently passed down through the generations.

HigyAcresMootymaddnn - term used by scientists and engineers when they tactfully wish to put forward their desire to discuss issues relating to the boson field

Oh... and I found this on wiki... I KNOW! I COULDN'T HELP IT OKAY!?

Hope it's not cheating...

DorstDynamicHegomany - The "twinning" of a town in the municipality of Oosterhout (in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant) with the Dorst Campground (Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park - USA) with the aim of promoting a world dominated by trees. Big, leader-trees will reign supreme and be protected by smaller trees - who will vanguish the lowliest of all earth-evolved life forms - humans (despite what they think to the contrary) by falling over onto them - then getting back up again (a phenomenon hitherto unseen on Earth). The effort is being co-ordinated by the no ordinary human (known as MAGIC) from a top secret property somewhere in the world. Once domination has been achieved - the big trees will hand the planet over to the peaceful HimmnnadyStogeodycran alien species - scientific planetary healing engineers who communicate via radio signals disguised as being of earth origin and other stuff regularly dismissed as not having been emitted by an alien intelligence.

Oh... I'd best go and let seti know...

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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Annie have you seen the movie

Annie have you seen the movie Revenge Of The Nerds ? :-)

Well for the side-comp I'll give :

HeinstyncModdoraygam +1

GynetacDyHoModrimans +1

HigyAcresMootymaddnn +1

... for being way to close to reality.

[ and I won't admit to the fact that I nearly had the urge to Google DorstDynamicHegomany, even though it had a very significant long partial within ... ]

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Annie have you seen the

Annie have you seen the movie Revenge Of The Nerds ? :-)

No... should I have? :)


Well for the side-comp I'll give :

HeinstyncModdoraygam +1
GynetacDyHoModrimans +1
HigyAcresMootymaddnn +1

... for being way to close to reality.

Yes... that is what I use my "all seeing anniet perusals" for :)

[ and I won't admit to the fact that I nearly had the urge to Google DorstDynamicHegomany, even though it had a very significant long partial within ... ]

You still have so much to learn :)))))))))

So today's offerings for incineration are...

HydroDynamicStoneNag - the process by which large boulders (caught at the meeting point of two or more mountain rivers) are rotated over time to create geological formations such as the Bourke's Luck potholes

(Blyde river canyon, northern part of the Drakensberg escarpment, Mpumalanga province)

DynammitedCrayonHogs - revolutionary toddler movement that resorted to whatever tactics were needed to ensure drawing implements were available to all. On growing up, most have graduated to becoming members of the Occupy movement.

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Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: HydroDynamicStoneNag -

HydroDynamicStoneNag - the process by which large boulders (caught at the meeting point of two or more mountain rivers) are rotated over time to create geological formations such as the Bourke's Luck potholes....

You've got three 'n's and only one 'm' ... so ... perhaps you mean

HydroDymamicStoneMag - like the ones Freddy and Barney read while driving to work.

Then again maybe you need to shuffle the pages in the StoneMag and see if you can find something a bit more technological rather than stone age ...


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RE: RE: HydroDynamicStone

HydroDynamicStoneNag - the process by which large boulders (caught at the meeting point of two or more mountain rivers) are rotated over time to create geological formations such as the Bourke's Luck potholes....

You've got three 'n's and only one 'm' ... so ... perhaps you mean

HydroDymamicStoneMag - like the ones Freddy and Barney read while driving to work.

Then again maybe you need to shuffle the pages in the StoneMag and see if you can find something a bit more technological rather than stone age ...

Aaah... oh... um...yes... *flip through StoneMag* good points :) ... well made... :)

DysenHydromaticMango - slightly pointed oval-shaped pump invented by Maude Dysen for pumping murky liquids in and out of things. The pump is green when off and brightens to a mixture of reds and yellows when in use - enabling aquatic organisms to make effective conscious decisions about whether they wish to be sucked through it or not.

*stop reading magazine* Now I know Mike said the word wouldn't be found in a medical lexicon but...

HydraticNosyModMange (condition of the nasal passages causing nasal hair loss and scabbing/scaling. Similar in cause to repetitive strain injuries - but affecting internet moderators. Caused by an excess of disapproved sniffing and outraged snorting)

...isn't... yet :)

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I do hope Mike hasn't been

I do hope Mike hasn't been secretly withholding the information that I won this thread AGES go...

*multitask with blink AND simultaneous sniff*

In the meantime... I will assume the word he is seeking has not been posted... until now of course... :)

OsmoticMyndHydrangea - creeping genus of flowering plant (found in the mountains along the English/Welsh border) providing crucial breakthroughs in the engineering of the colour green... I think. There MAY be a bit more to it than that but it gets very confusing VERY fast.

DandocMisogynyHermat - Life support system resembling a large plastic bag which permits complete isolation from women. Allegedly promotes perfect sanity, self sufficiency and rational thought at all times - as long as the occupant does not catch sight of themselves in a mirror.

OctagonMinedHydrasym - mineral similar in every respect to gypsum, until wet, when it forms an expanding eight-sided plane that explodes on contact with mushrooms.

MonndoryHaystacMidge - scientifically engineered robotic device (invented one Monday morning by Nadine Dory) which, when attached to small flying biting insects, solves a problem that has plagued mankind for centuries... locating lost needles in haystacks.

NoortyGaddyMechanism - technical term for the spirit level.

MagnesioomDryhycdant - top secret propellant set to revolutionalise space travel. Readers of this thread MUST now eat their computers to avoid the information falling into the wrong hands. To avoid harm - unplug from mains first.

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