Information about the new S5 workunits

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: Do I need Boinc-client

Message 37506 in response to message 37504

Do I need Boinc-client 5.4.9 or is a lower version also possible?

We've successfully tested 4.19 on two machines. You probably shouldn't get older than that, but anything newer should be ok.

It might be that there are old or modified Clients around with which the claimed credit will somewhat differ from what we intend to grant, but that shouldn't have an impact on the results or the granted credit.



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RE: It might be worth to

Message 37507 in response to message 37498


It might be worth to add:

- To make up for the faster Apps we increased the size of the workunits. The "long" ones will be roughly five times as long as the "long" ones from S4, the "short" ones will be roughly twice as long as their S4 counterparts.


Bernd, for all powercrunchers and I know a few of them we are interrested to know how much credit the new workunits will grant. Then we can decide if its better to do ´S4 until the very very last unit oder switch to S5 as fast as possible.


(Ich hoffe Du hast doch heute auch Feiertag und frei.)

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: Bernd, for all

Message 37508 in response to message 37507

Bernd, for all powercrunchers and I know a few of them we are interrested to know how much credit the new workunits will grant.

The exact crediting is one of the parameters we want to fine-tune with the current first S5R1 WUs.

(Ich hoffe Du hast doch heute auch Feiertag und frei.)

Hm - Feiertag? "Happy Kadaver"? Das ist hier Brandenburg, Mann, wir haben hier nichts zu feiern :-)

[Edit] Ich koennt ja verstehen, wenn das heute in Dortmund ein Feiertag waere, aber in Berlin ist auch ganz schoen was los. Moechte nicht wissen, wieviele sich heute krank gemeldet haben...



Ulrich Metzner
Ulrich Metzner
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RE: Hm - Feiertag? "Happy

Message 37509 in response to message 37508

Hm - Feiertag? "Happy Kadaver"? Das ist hier Brandenburg, Mann, wir haben hier nichts zu feiern :-)

LOL, hier in Niedersachsen auch nicht. Laß mal 'rüberwachsen, die S5er ;)

Aloha, Uli

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RE: Bernd, for all

Message 37511 in response to message 37507


Bernd, for all powercrunchers and I know a few of them we are interrested to know how much credit the new workunits will grant. Then we can decide if its better to do �S4 until the very very last unit oder switch to S5 as fast as possible.

broadly speaking, it almost has to be approximately equal to the standard credit rate. If einstien were to offer official credit at a substantially different rate, it would cause problems between it's staff and the staff of other projects for screwing with the credit rate.

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RE: RE: Hm - Feiertag?

Message 37512 in response to message 37509

Hm - Feiertag? "Happy Kadaver"? Das ist hier Brandenburg, Mann, wir haben hier nichts zu feiern :-)
LOL, hier in Niedersachsen auch nicht. Laß mal 'rüberwachsen, die S5er ;)

Och ihr Armen. Wohnt alle im verkehrten Teil Deutschlands. Schöne Grüße aus dem äußersten Südwesten (7 Km östlich von Basel) der Republik.

Lasse mich überraschen, was die neue Serie bringt.

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Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: broadly speaking, it

Message 37513 in response to message 37511

broadly speaking, it almost has to be approximately equal to the standard credit rate. If einstien were to offer official credit at a substantially different rate, it would cause problems between it's staff and the staff of other projects for screwing with the credit rate.

The intention is that the average Einstein@Home participant will get the same credit per hour "work" than what he gets on other BOINC projects. However with the large variety of Platforms, Apps and Clients we currently have it requires quite some investigation and testing to find out the average participant configuration, or the "standard credit rate" which you mentioned.



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Bernd, There are quite a


There are quite a range of BOINC clients that people are using, some of which are optimised, some of which calibrate, some of which do things liks fake the number of CPUs, etc. Even with the standard BOINC clients there are different behaviours, for example in the estimating of benchmark scores. You would expect to see variations in benchmarks between 4.19, 4.45 and the 5.x.x family of clients. I have three particular questions:-

1. Will non-standard clients of any form cause any issues for the S5 work?

2. Will benchmark scores have any relevance to the credit claiming or granting process?

3. If there is to be fixed credit for both the "long" and the "short" work, will it truely be a fixed number or will there be some variations in line with the variations in the value of XXXX.X? For example, I imagine that workunit h1_0789.0 might take a different amount of time compared with h1_1480.5. In other words is variation within the "long" family or the "short" family going to result in corresponding variations in the fixed credit awarded?



Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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RE: 1. Will non-standard

Message 37515 in response to message 37514

1. Will non-standard clients of any form cause any issues for the S5 work?

I don't expect any issues, though I don't know all the Clients that may be around. We are testing with and referring to the official Clients. I don't know and honestly don't want to know what other people do with the BOINC code to build their own clients from. We don't explicitely support any other Clients than the official BOINC ones. If an inofficial Client causes you trouble, I'd say don't use it.

2. Will benchmark scores have any relevance to the credit claiming or granting process?

I can't guarantee that there is no unofficial BOINC Client out there that messes around with the information we pass from the Apps for claiming the credit. There may even be some older, official BOINC Clients that don't pass this information correctly. However the credit will be granted based on information exclusively from the server side, so no information from the Client (benchmark, timing etc.) will have an effect on the granted credit.

3. If there is to be fixed credit for both the "long" and the "short" work, will it truely be a fixed number or will there be some variations in line with the variations in the value of XXXX.X?

The length of the Workunits (i.e. the number of parameter sets scanned for, that we call "Templates") varies, even between Workunits for the same frequency band (i.e. with the same "major number"). The server (here: the validator) knows about this and will take this into account when granting credit. Two Workunits will only get the same credit granted if they are of exactly the same length, i.e. if they have the same number of Templates and thus, roughly speaking, need the same number of operations to be processed.



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Two Workunits will

Message 37516 in response to message 37515


Two Workunits will only get the same credit granted if they are of exactly the same length, i.e. if they have the same number of Templates and thus, roughly speaking, need the same number of operations to be processed.


Thanks very much for the detailed response. I'm very pleased to see that the "fixed" amount of credit will in fact vary in the same way that the amount of work varies. I was concerned that people might decide to "cherry pick" if there was the same credit for work that might take a bit less time.

And, sorry, but I do have a 4th question :).

4. Is the daily quota staying at 32 or changing to something different?



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