Important news on BRP7 and FGRPB1 work on E@H

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Some time ago we had this

Some time ago we had this kind of problem (Linux vs Windows differences) in the project I admin. This was bypassed first by implementing the homogeneous redundancy mechanism with two equivalence classes (Linux and Windows). After some time we were able to solve the problem by compiling the Windows application with a GCC compiler (via Cygwin), also with a cutoff at the end of our result file.

Our results are a ranked list sorted by frequency and the differences (if any) between two results coming from computers with different operating systems were at the very end of the files: it was reasonable to cut the list.

If the differences are not at the very end I see a big problem, which one (Linux or Windows) do you trust?


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So I used to get Binary Radio

So I used to get Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) (BRP7) tasks for my Nvidia GTX 960 on Linux Mint running Boinc-client 7.18.1+dfsg-4. However of late I am not getting any GPU tasks. Is this because of the issues I read above with invalid tasks on Linux? Ive only every had 2 invalid tasks, so I am not sure why I am no longer getting GPU tasks. 

Is there anything I can do on my end to start getting GPU tasks again?

EDIT: This was my last task submitted for BRP7

7 Oct 2023 14:12:15 UTC 7 Oct 2023 14:56:29 UTC Completed and validated 2,625 2,626 3,333 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) v0.17 () x86_64-pc-linux-gnu


As of today no longer getting BRP7 tasks.

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ieatbugz wrote: So I used to

ieatbugz wrote:

So I used to get Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) (BRP7) tasks for my Nvidia GTX 960 on Linux Mint running Boinc-client 7.18.1+dfsg-4. However of late I am not getting any GPU tasks. Is this because of the issues I read above with invalid tasks on Linux? Ive only every had 2 invalid tasks, so I am not sure why I am no longer getting GPU tasks. 

Is there anything I can do on my end to start getting GPU tasks again?

EDIT: This was my last task submitted for BRP7

7 Oct 2023 14:12:15 UTC 7 Oct 2023 14:56:29 UTC Completed and validated 2,625 2,626 3,333 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) v0.17 () x86_64-pc-linux-gnu


As of today no longer getting BRP7 tasks. 

Check your settings htis page says there are still 40k left to send out:

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All my settings are correct,

All my settings are correct, nothing has changed in my settings from the time I was receiving GPU tasks until the time I stopped receiving them. So no idea why I'm not getting them

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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would be easier if you posted

would be easier if you posted a link to the host so we can see what it's asking for. in general you only get tasks if you ask for them.

without seeing your host(s) it's impossible for us to know or guess where the problem is. your hosts are hidden.


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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ieatbugz wrote:... Is this

ieatbugz wrote:
... Is this because of the issues I read above with invalid tasks on Linux?

No.  You must have changed something in your website preferences or in your local BOINC client if you aren't receiving tasks.

Your computers are 'hidden' (your preference choice) so nobody but you can see why you don't receive tasks.  If you go to your computer list on the website and look at the details page for your computer, there is a link to the last contact your computer had with the Einstein scheduler.  If you read through the log you will see what your host requested and what prevented the scheduler from sending new work.

If you need someone to interpret this, you need to provide a link to your computer or you could change your preferences to 'unhide' your computers.


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I've also eased up the privacy settings so my hosts should be public now.

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I haven't changed settings in

I haven't changed settings in weeks. I've made my host visible. See the comment above for a link

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Thanks for providing the host

Thanks for providing the host ID.  As I mentioned in my previous message, you just need to look at the messages from the last scheduler contact.  Maybe there might have been something about this in the BOINC Manager event log as well.

Here is the line that tells you what your problem is:-

[send] [HOST#13150602] [WU#760422479 Ter5_2_dns_cfbf00039_segment_5_dms_200_40000_87_3650000] WU is infeasible: Not enough disk space

Looks like you have run out of sufficient disk space to store the data file.

EDIT:  In case you do have enough disk space, it may just be that you haven't allowed BOINC to use sufficient to store the needed data.  That is a preference setting you may need to adjust.



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Thanks for this, let me see

Thanks for this, let me see if I can clear out old task to free up space, or increase the space allowed to the client. 

EDIT: Thanks upping the storage solved the issue, getting GPU tasks again. Thanks for the help everyone that replied. 

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