Distributive computing...a shrinking universe?

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I only have 1 pc at home, its

I only have 1 pc at home, its the general use PC, crunching 24/7 along with basic web surfin, emailing, playing World of Warcraft on occation. Plus, our power company has a nice Equal Payment plan, I pay just a tad over $190USD a month year round, regardless of what we use. After every 12 months, they adjust it either up or down depending if we paid too much or not enough. During the winter if we didn't do this, I'd be paying at least $400+ due to heating costs, we have both power and natural gas, and its the natural gas that is kicking our rear ends.

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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I turned on 2 more pc's

I turned on 2 more pc's recently, both single core machines. The latest I did find on Ebay a dual core cpu for it for only $41.00 shipped. Hopefully it will work just fine. The Motherboard maker, Asus, says my bios will take it so we will see. It is also going to be my test machine for MagicJack. MagicJack lets you plug in a phone, any phone, and use it thru you pc's internet connection. One of the things I see on their website is a way to plug your whole house jack into it and then you just use your regular phones like you do now but they are all internet connected. My buddy said it worked just fine at his house. MagicJack is a $40.00 initial cost and then only $20.00 a year for unlimited local and Continental US AND also free to any other MagicJack user WorldWide. Here is their website http://www.magicjack.com/1/index.asp I am actually still on the free trial, but it is nice and clear with no problems so far. It plugs into a USB plug in your pc and then your phone plugs into it. You get your own personal phone number, you get to pick your own area code and then a list of local Towns comes up that you chose from. I am currently paying about $20.00 a month, with long distance being $0.05 per minute flat rate. I actually do very little long distance though, so I usually just pay the $4.95 flat rate to have it. Another thing is that our cell phones work anywhere in the house. So if/when the internet goes down, I will still have phone service.
The other machine is a gaming machine, not just any game, Nascar Racing. I am NOT a redneck, even though I do live in Virginia. My buddy that did the MagicJack above talked me into getting a steering wheel and pedals and go racing with him and his brothers on their own "friendly" Team. I have been practicing but the short tracks are VERY HARD. The large tracks you just put your foot down and race at full throttle all the way around. Pitting is a bit difficult but I am learning. They have been doing this for more than a year and I have my stuff for less than 2 weeks!! No I have not raced live with them yet.

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