CUDA application for the O3ASHF search

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David, chances are these

David, chances are these tasks didn't get stuck.

IIRC, these tasks stop at the 49% and 89% complete points to do compilation of results, which can take several minutes to finish. Good place for a cup of coffee ...

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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AndreyOR wrote: Is there a

AndreyOR wrote:

Is there a plan to build a CUDA O3AS app for Windows?

Yes, I'm still working on it. But on a few other things, too.


David Crick
David Crick
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Just a note to say that the

Just a note to say that the rpmfusion packaged Nvidia rpms for Fedora Linux release distros have been upgraded to the latest 560.35.03 version (from the previously available 555.58.02).  No improvement in run time, but it's nice to be on the latest drivers.

Compared to the Linux driver available directly from Nvidia's web site, rpmfusion takes care of additional installation tasks such as disabling the nouveau driver, and indeed Nvidia themselves note: "many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package."  Install guide here:

On my 2080 Super I can solo crunch 4 O3AS WUs in an hour compared to 3 an hour in Windows, so it's worth having a Linux installation - even a scratch one on a USB stick.  Linux also seems to handle running CPU tasks at the same time as GPU tasks better than Windows - a GPU O3AS WU completed in around half the time for me in Linux with all CPU cores also running CPU tasks compared to in Windows.

I've NOT seen the 1.14 (gpu-recalc) application used for any of my WUs - only 1.15 (cuda, cpu re-calc).  There is a slight improvement in run-time with 1.15 CUDA over the 1.07 opencl application.  In order to get 1.15 you need to allow beta/test applications in your E@H web account: Preferences -> Project -> Run test applications? YES.


David Crick
David Crick
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There have been a couple more

There have been a couple more Nvidia Linux driver updates for Fedora Linux, with the most recent being the latest 565.77 release.  Information on installing the drivers via rpmfusion is in my previous post.  (Note, one driver release was for a security update.)

Note that the newer "All-Sky Gravitational Wave search on O3" low frequency WUs take longer than the older high frequency ones.  Previously one WU would take my 2080 Super <15 mins, whereas the new WUs take >35 mins, an increase of ~2.34x (although more computation is taking place).  However, the new WUs generate 20,000 of credit compared to the previous 10,000.  (More information in the "All-Sky Gravitational Wave Search on O3 data (O3ASHF1)" discussion thread.)


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