Chipper, what lovely toys you found. You haven't found any good sites in your travels that explain Tensors properly have you? I never really quite got the hang of those. :-(
Oh, and I just remembered how I ended up being called an attention whore over at all started when I put Landry_m in Misfit's Babe of the Day thread.
If you ask me, a babe is a babe..but I guess I'm just misunderstood. :-(
I realize that not everyone's brain is wired quite the same way as mine, and consequently sometimes think that my previous advice to you (in your 'non-existence of Time' thread) about learning math was, well, perhaps a bit harsh. But you're a good soul, and I'm very happy to hear you liked the simulations, and to hear about your progress. And while it's most flattering to be referred to as 'dear professor', it's not quite proper (sort of like why Es99 can't be called a lady, even though she is). So long as others understand that I'm a 'professor' only in the context of one who professes a belief, I guess it's okay...
But I did get score of 138 on the free Tickle IQ test, and they said I was as a 'Visionary Philosopher'. I thought they might be trying extra hard to sell me a subscription for their premium services. I don't know what kind of a benchmark it serves, but I'd be interested to know how others here (most of whom I regard as clearly more intelligent than me) score on it. Alluding to one of my deepest fears, I usually hold my tongue at cocktail parties, and depend on the help I get from the Science Forum to keep from ever being called a 'Cocktail Philosopher'. :)
Oh, and I just remembered how I ended up being called an attention whore over at all started when I put Landry_m in Misfit's Babe of the Day thread.
If you ask me, a babe is a babe..but I guess I'm just misunderstood. :-(
Arguably a fine submission, Es99. I'd have done the same, although in my case it would be based solely on the helpful and informative answer he provided in response to one of my questions in this science thread. Our attention turns naturally to the smart ones, and to the leaders. Considering the source, the profane remarks actually reflect positively on your choice and your character. Keep fighting the good fight! :)
Dear Chipper, how modest you are, anyway i considere you always my dear professor,it is not the least thing to say "we should always keep active our brain" and being occupied by mathematics is the best way.Philosophy, in my opinion is the perfect discipline which can exist because it is the synthesis of all sciences,it is my favorite too.As for the IQ , WOW ! 138 ! Almost the genius ! In international IQ test , i got only 117 and i needed some other 9 to be a member of the international High IQ society (crying).But i am what i am and i try always doing my best with all i have available ,("avec les moyens du bord") weaknesses or assets, most of times without considering my weaknesses, i act boldly like a fool, and i learn a lot about myself and others, so i try to transform my weaknesses into something useful, well that is my character and i'm not ashamed of it.
But I did get score of 138 on the free Tickle IQ test, and they said I was as a 'Visionary Philosopher'.
I took the IQ test Chipper and I got an IQ of 141. Which I guess makes me smarter than you ;-) Apparently I'm an Imaginative Mastermind. I expect that is just one step down from Evil Genius...I'm working on it, give me time..
Arguably a fine submission, Es99. I'd have done the same, although in my case it would be based solely on the helpful and informative answer he provided in response to one of my questions in this science thread.
Yes, that's where I spotted him. I may be an 'Imaginative Mastermind', but I guess I'm very shallow :-( I'm not sure about the helpfulness of his answer because once I saw the picture I became strangely distracted. ;-)
Ariane, an IQ of 117 is nothing to be ashamed of! It's what you do with it that counts. Obviously I've wasted too much of mine watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer or drinking heavily down the pub.
WOW ! 141 ! Es99 ! Congrats dear Imaginative Mastermind ! Normally IQ is made to be wasted in a way or another. Watching vampires is much better than what i do with my poor 117 : sleeping, snoring,yawning, meditating or smoking cigarettes.
I took the IQ test Chipper and I got an IQ of 141. Which I guess makes me smarter than you ;-) Apparently I'm an Imaginative Mastermind. I expect that is just one step down from Evil Genius...I'm working on it, give me time..
Crikey, I knew you were smarter, and now I see more intelligent as well. I'm not surprised. I was intelligent enough to have envisioned it. :)
Arguably a fine submission, Es99. I'd have done the same, although in my case it would be based solely on the helpful and informative answer he provided in response to one of my questions in this science thread.
Yes, that's where I spotted him. I may be an 'Imaginative Mastermind', but I guess I'm very shallow :-( I'm not sure about the helpfulness of his answer because once I saw the picture I became strangely distracted. ;-)
I dunno... is it shallow to infer data on the Sun's core by observing the photosphere?
Thank you Chipper these look very good. I'm sure I shall be picking your brains some more in the near future.
Crikey, I knew you were smarter, and now I see more intelligent as well. I'm not surprised. I was intelligent enough to have envisioned it. :)
Yes you had said it, now you are vindicated...but the scary thing is, I have a feeling there are even smarter people on these very boards!
I dunno... is it shallow to infer data on the Sun's core by observing the photosphere?
Yes, that is very shallow.;-)
However it was not landry_m I was calling shallow, but myself. I was merely paying a complement to the gentleman for his dashing good looks and meant nothing by it. landry_m need not fear for his virtue around me, I can assure you of that. I'm sure Chipper, you have seen many pretty ladies that you have admired with no intention of any further pursuit. Were our landry to attempt such a pursuit of myself he would be sadly disappointed at the outcome. :-)
[Edit: Chipper, I went and took the BBC test the nation IQ test and only came out with 124. I guess I'm not such a brain box after all!]
Chipper, what lovely toys you
Chipper, what lovely toys you found. You haven't found any good sites in your travels that explain Tensors properly have you? I never really quite got the hang of those. :-(
Oh, and I just remembered how I ended up being called an attention whore over at all started when I put Landry_m in Misfit's Babe of the Day thread.
If you ask me, a babe is a babe..but I guess I'm just misunderstood. :-(
Physics is for gurls!
RE: You haven't found any
this provides a good
Team Linux Users Everywhere

RE: RE: You haven't found
Michel karlinsky , what an exciting site ! I will begin wiht that , thanks a lot .
RE: RE: You haven't found
Thanks Michael. This is exactly what I was looking for. :-)
Physics is for gurls!
RE: Oh Chipper, my dear
Dear Ariane,
I realize that not everyone's brain is wired quite the same way as mine, and consequently sometimes think that my previous advice to you (in your 'non-existence of Time' thread) about learning math was, well, perhaps a bit harsh. But you're a good soul, and I'm very happy to hear you liked the simulations, and to hear about your progress. And while it's most flattering to be referred to as 'dear professor', it's not quite proper (sort of like why Es99 can't be called a lady, even though she is). So long as others understand that I'm a 'professor' only in the context of one who professes a belief, I guess it's okay...
But I did get score of 138 on the free Tickle IQ test, and they said I was as a 'Visionary Philosopher'. I thought they might be trying extra hard to sell me a subscription for their premium services. I don't know what kind of a benchmark it serves, but I'd be interested to know how others here (most of whom I regard as clearly more intelligent than me) score on it. Alluding to one of my deepest fears, I usually hold my tongue at cocktail parties, and depend on the help I get from the Science Forum to keep from ever being called a 'Cocktail Philosopher'. :)
Arguably a fine submission, Es99. I'd have done the same, although in my case it would be based solely on the helpful and informative answer he provided in response to one of my questions in this science thread. Our attention turns naturally to the smart ones, and to the leaders. Considering the source, the profane remarks actually reflect positively on your choice and your character. Keep fighting the good fight! :)
Dear Chipper, how modest you
Dear Chipper, how modest you are, anyway i considere you always my dear professor,it is not the least thing to say "we should always keep active our brain" and being occupied by mathematics is the best way.Philosophy, in my opinion is the perfect discipline which can exist because it is the synthesis of all sciences,it is my favorite too.As for the IQ , WOW ! 138 ! Almost the genius ! In international IQ test , i got only 117 and i needed some other 9 to be a member of the international High IQ society (crying).But i am what i am and i try always doing my best with all i have available ,("avec les moyens du bord") weaknesses or assets, most of times without considering my weaknesses, i act boldly like a fool, and i learn a lot about myself and others, so i try to transform my weaknesses into something useful, well that is my character and i'm not ashamed of it.
See you later,
Warm Regards
RE: But I did get score of
I took the IQ test Chipper and I got an IQ of 141. Which I guess makes me smarter than you ;-) Apparently I'm an Imaginative Mastermind. I expect that is just one step down from Evil Genius...I'm working on it, give me time..
Yes, that's where I spotted him. I may be an 'Imaginative Mastermind', but I guess I'm very shallow :-( I'm not sure about the helpfulness of his answer because once I saw the picture I became strangely distracted. ;-)
Ariane, an IQ of 117 is nothing to be ashamed of! It's what you do with it that counts. Obviously I've wasted too much of mine watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer or drinking heavily down the pub.
Physics is for gurls!
WOW ! 141 ! Es99 ! Congrats
WOW ! 141 ! Es99 ! Congrats dear Imaginative Mastermind ! Normally IQ is made to be wasted in a way or another. Watching vampires is much better than what i do with my poor 117 : sleeping, snoring,yawning, meditating or smoking cigarettes.
Hi, Es99 I saw Michael K.
Hi, Es99
I saw Michael K. helped you with the tensors; these sites may also be helpful: Dot Product, Vector Cross Product, and Matrix Simulation
Crikey, I knew you were smarter, and now I see more intelligent as well. I'm not surprised. I was intelligent enough to have envisioned it. :)
I dunno... is it shallow to infer data on the Sun's core by observing the photosphere?
RE: Hi, Es99 I saw Michael
Thank you Chipper these look very good. I'm sure I shall be picking your brains some more in the near future.
Yes you had said it, now you are vindicated...but the scary thing is, I have a feeling there are even smarter people on these very boards!
Yes, that is very shallow.;-)
However it was not landry_m I was calling shallow, but myself. I was merely paying a complement to the gentleman for his dashing good looks and meant nothing by it. landry_m need not fear for his virtue around me, I can assure you of that. I'm sure Chipper, you have seen many pretty ladies that you have admired with no intention of any further pursuit. Were our landry to attempt such a pursuit of myself he would be sadly disappointed at the outcome. :-)
[Edit: Chipper, I went and took the BBC test the nation IQ test and only came out with 124. I guess I'm not such a brain box after all!]
Physics is for gurls!