If you still can't find your DLL's, then use a <copy_file/> statement to copy the DLL's into the slot also. For sure the app will find the DLL's that way.
Both "BRP7-cuda102W" plan class app versions are experimental and built with CUDA 10 . While testing these are restricted to a special user account. Like the BRP7 CUDA 5.5 app they need corresponding files downloaded and copied into the slots directory when running. Because of this and the disk space limits assigned to the workunits the BRP4 app won't work at all (except for special workunits). The BRP7 app version will likely be released to the public in January.
There are a few reasons for that particular app version. The build process of the CUDA 5.5 Windows app is pretty cumbersome (it requires a custom-build gcc etc.) and we are trying to establish CUDA 10.2 as the new reference platform for our builds. Also too this is the first CUDA 10 Windows App that we could build successfully; one step closer to building a CUDA GW App for Windows.
I had no clear idea of validation of the new version, so far I tested it only on one single machine. From the few results I get from the Beta testing so far it looks like validation is actually a bit worse than the CUDA 5.5 version, but it's pretty early and there are only few results.
I don't plan to deprecate the CUDA 5.5 version any time soon, and especially not if validation turns out to be better than the CUDA 10.2 version.
... Also too this is the first CUDA 10 Windows App that we could build successfully; one step closer to building a CUDA GW App for Windows.
I had no clear idea of validation of the new version, so far I tested it only on one single machine. From the few results I get from the Beta testing so far it looks like validation is actually a bit worse than the CUDA 5.5 version, but it's pretty early and there are only few results.
So far I have 1 invalid but only a few dozen validated and a few dozen more waiting for validation. Hopefully validation will end up being at least on par with 5.5.
Run times seem to be the same as 5.5 and running 1 task at a time is still the best option.
Good to hear that it's progress for GW CUDA app for Windows.
... From the few results I get from the Beta testing so far it looks like validation is actually a bit worse than the CUDA 5.5 version, but it's pretty early and there are only few results.
I don't plan to deprecate the CUDA 5.5 version any time soon, and especially not if validation turns out to be better than the CUDA 10.2 version.
Having done a little over 1000 tasks with each app, CUDA 5.5 is ~5% faster and validates much better than 10.2. Invalid rate for 10.2 is ~1/90 (1 in 90), for 5.5 it seems to be less than 1/1000 (still have no invalids).
I'm assuming you're seeing something similar on a large scale?
Your errors are complaining
Your errors are complaining about missing DLL files.
-1073741515 (0xC0000135) STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND
Pull your DLL files down into the <app_version> section for the BRP7 0.19 application. ALSO
If you still can't find your DLL's, then use a <copy_file/> statement to copy the DLL's into the slot also. For sure the app will find the DLL's that way.
you actually need to define
you actually need to define any necessary extra files in BOTH the app_version section and the files section. not one or the other, but both.
That is what I meant by
That is what I meant by pulling the dll files down into the app_version section. ALSO
Both "BRP7-cuda102W" plan
Both "BRP7-cuda102W" plan class app versions are experimental and built with CUDA 10 . While testing these are restricted to a special user account. Like the BRP7 CUDA 5.5 app they need corresponding files downloaded and copied into the slots directory when running. Because of this and the disk space limits assigned to the workunits the BRP4 app won't work at all (except for special workunits). The BRP7 app version will likely be released to the public in January.
Bernd Machenschalk
Should be available for all now (Beta test).
Bernd, what as the reason for
Bernd, what as the reason for the creation of the CUDA 10.2 app when you already had/have the working cuda55 app?
does 10.2 validate better against the other existing apps than cuda55 does?
do you plan to depreciate cuda55 in favor of cuda102?
There are a few reasons for
There are a few reasons for that particular app version. The build process of the CUDA 5.5 Windows app is pretty cumbersome (it requires a custom-build gcc etc.) and we are trying to establish CUDA 10.2 as the new reference platform for our builds. Also too this is the first CUDA 10 Windows App that we could build successfully; one step closer to building a CUDA GW App for Windows.
I had no clear idea of validation of the new version, so far I tested it only on one single machine. From the few results I get from the Beta testing so far it looks like validation is actually a bit worse than the CUDA 5.5 version, but it's pretty early and there are only few results.
I don't plan to deprecate the CUDA 5.5 version any time soon, and especially not if validation turns out to be better than the CUDA 10.2 version.
Bernd Machenschalk
So far I have 1 invalid but only a few dozen validated and a few dozen more waiting for validation. Hopefully validation will end up being at least on par with 5.5.
Run times seem to be the same as 5.5 and running 1 task at a time is still the best option.
Good to hear that it's progress for GW CUDA app for Windows.
Bernd Machenschalk
Having done a little over 1000 tasks with each app, CUDA 5.5 is ~5% faster and validates much better than 10.2. Invalid rate for 10.2 is ~1/90 (1 in 90), for 5.5 it seems to be less than 1/1000 (still have no invalids).
I'm assuming you're seeing something similar on a large scale?
Looking forward to 10.2 improvements.