All things Navi 10

Tom M
Tom M
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Tom M wrote:Depending on a

Tom M wrote:

Depending on a multi-day test run I will step it up or down a task to see if I can get a higher RAC.  Also depending on if it crashes.

Tom M

I have lost my patience for the moment.  In spite of theoretical calculations based on the wall clock time as listed on the E@H website that seems to show the RAC should head back up it continues to float downward.

So I am switching to the baseline 3 gpu tasks which should provide a safety net for the systems RAC.  Once it has stabilized(?) I will resume exploring if 4/5/6 gpu tasks at the same time result actually increase the RAC. 

I am aware of the basic wisdom from S@H that indicates it can take a couple of months to show the "true" RAC from the start with a new system.  Since this is an ongoing system I am not convinced I need to wait a couple of months before I make any other changes.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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It only takes 4 weeks (28

It only takes 4 weeks (28 days) to stabilize RAC. It is a decaying function with half-life of 7 days.


Tom M
Tom M
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What is the best Rac anyone

What is the best Rac anyone has gotten out of an Rx 5000 series card? (Rx 5500, 5500xt thru rx 5700xt?

Tom M

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Tom M wrote: What is the

Tom M wrote:

What is the best Rac anyone has gotten out of an Rx 5000 series card? (Rx 5500, 5500xt thru rx 5700xt?

Tom M 

There are sooo many variables it's nearly impossible to say, ie do they do 2 units at a time or 4, do they leave a single cpu core free or do they leave one core for each gpu, etc, etc.

Tom M
Tom M
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Tom M wrote:What is the

Tom M wrote:

What is the best Rac anyone has gotten out of an Rx 5000 series card? (Rx 5500, 5500xt thru rx 5700xt?

Tom M Current RAC 769,465.28 1/16/2021 5700 XT Current RAC 903,155.80 1/16/2021 5700 RAC 457,756.30 5600 XT RAC 207,012.43 5700 XT RAC 8,411.00 5700 RAC 

Mikey was completely right.  The RAC # is all over the place.  The above list is all single gpu's running on the project.


A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Tom M wrote: Tom M

Tom M wrote:

Tom M wrote:

What is the best Rac anyone has gotten out of an Rx 5000 series card? (Rx 5500, 5500xt thru rx 5700xt?

Tom M Current RAC 769,465.28 1/16/2021 5700 XT Current RAC 903,155.80 1/16/2021 5700 RAC 457,756.30 5600 XT RAC 207,012.43 5700 XT RAC 8,411.00 5700 RAC 

Mikey was completely right.  The RAC # is all over the place.  The above list is all single gpu's running on the project.


You're getting too hung up on the "RAC" term/value. you need to keep in mind that this is a sliding average over like 6-8wks. and any host that contributes intermittently, or only just started contributing will not have a "RAC" representative of it's true performance potential.

also keep in mind that GR tasks earn like 2-3x more than GW, and are a little more influenced by the CPU used so you need to take that into account also. but most people here only run GR exclusively since they only care about points anyway, so that shouldn't be too hard to make sure you compare GR to GR.

you need to constrain your research to hosts that contribute continuously, or look at their history to make a more informed conclusion.

then you have some variables that will be unknown on a case by case basis (unless the individual posts explicitly with the info), like overclock/power limit/"multiplicity" settings.


in the case of Arch's single 5700 which can reasonably be assumed runs 24/7 GR-only, based on how much it does every day, you can see that it's "RAC" should fall somewhere around 900,000-1,000,000. just look at the bar graph on the freeDC page:

same with Gavin's 5700XT, even though it looks like he maybe runs a smaller cache and is impacted more by the recent outages, his card seems to have the potential for about 1,000,000-1,100,000 RAC.


or you can resist the urge to change the setup every few days, and just leave the system alone, let it do it's thing, and let it run so you can get a value for the RAC that your system produces, and THEN make adjustments if it seems to be under-performing.


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Ian&Steve C. wrote: in the

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

in the case of Arch's single 5700 which can reasonably be assumed runs 24/7 GR-only, based on how much it does every day, you can see that it's "RAC" should fall somewhere around 900,000-1,000,000. just look at the bar graph on the freeDC page:

same with Gavin's 5700XT, even though it looks like he maybe runs a smaller cache and is impacted more by the recent outages, his card seems to have the potential for about 1,000,000-1,100,000 RAC.

In case your not aware yet, your two links are the same.  Both Arch's and Gavin's show up the same link as Arch's.

I'm just saying...


Proud member of the Old Farts Association

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Thanks, seems I can’t edit

Thanks, seems I can’t edit anymore.

here’s the link to Gavin’s :


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Ian&Steve C. wrote: Thanks,

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Thanks, seems I can’t edit anymore.

here’s the link to Gavin’s : 

I can't find that page for my pc's on Free-DC

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mikey wrote:I can't find that

mikey wrote:
I can't find that page for my pc's on Free-DC

Try going to your dashboard page on your account at Einstein.
Click the "More" link at the bottom of your list of computers
Click on the more promising looking link listed next to "Cross-Project stats" for any particular computer you like.

For example, at the moment I looked this one was your highest Einstein RAC machine.

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