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Zalster wrote:Probably would help to see your cc_config.  Also, is this a dedicated Einstein Machine?  I've had many talks...
20th April 2020
pututu wrote:I've one RX480 which I won in ebay for $76 shipped (more than a year ago). It can do about 600K PPD. If you...
20th April 2020
Now my system is refusing to process Pulsar tasks inspite of apparently having plenty. I was using the max_concurrent tasks...
20th April 2020
That is odd.  While I have turned off Gravity Wave and then restricted Gravity Wave gpu to 2 gpus out of 5 available gpus,...
20th April 2020
Zalster wrote:Tom M wrote:I was looking for can't find a gpu Pulsar #1 search that others seem to be running on my "list...
19th April 2020