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mikey wrote:RandyC wrote:We're not going to get out of the 30sF today or on Turkey day. Black Friday will warm up to the...
22nd November 2017
No snow in the 10 day forecast.  But lots of clouds.  I suspect Brandywine is making snow for the skiers.
21st November 2017
The snow is melting in the sunshine.  I'm still cold.  I just wrapped myself up in a blanket my dad bought in the Grand...
20th November 2017
RandyC wrote:KSMarksPsych wrote:It's cold and gloomy today.  Can anyone cheer me up? It's cold and gloomy and RAINY today...
19th November 2017
It's cold and gloomy today.  Can anyone cheer me up?
18th November 2017