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Quote:A new preprint reports the second Einstein@Home discovery, of a radio pulsar orbiting a white dwarf star once...
1st March 2011
I did a comparison of performance between having the same card via Linux in a PCI-E 2.0 16x and 8x slot. 16x: 2131...
23rd February 2011
Quote:Hi! At what niceness level is the 270 app running on your host? (usually the column "NI" in top). A small...
20th February 2011
Quote:With this new einsteinbinary_BRP3_1.07_i686-pc-linux-gnu__BRP3cuda32nv270 application i got floating cpu load 25...
19th February 2011
Quote: I have a lot of hosts running Linux and a few running Windows but no nVidia cards as yet. I have 12 HD4850s on...
19th February 2011