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Jeroen commented on Milestones V
Congratulations Gavin and robl!
3rd August 2014
The CPU has 16 lanes available for use. The 8747 switch can connect 16 lanes upstream to the CPU and 32 lanes downstream...
1st August 2014
Jeroen commented on Milestones V
Quote:Thanks Jeroen ! Is one of your GPUs a 290 290x ? Are they any good ? Looks like most of yours are 7970...
31st July 2014
Jeroen commented on Milestones V
Quote: One Million ! YAY ! Took me Nine Years to get 850 thousand on CPU plus an additional 10 Days to get...
30th July 2014
Quote:Yep, we got ~900 (inner galaxy) beams from Arecibo for BRP4G. Should be good for about 3 weeks. BM That is...
30th July 2014