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Chris S_2 wrote:  Do you mean to tell me that I got the post before and the post after, and didn't get a mention in...
20th November 2016
They always seemed hairy when I ate them once. Oily chopped up snarl of something retrieved from a brush was my overriding...
20th November 2016
Quote:What, the chewing gum or your head ?  *frost eyelids* I take it you have a younger sibling or two Mike...?  I don'...
20th November 2016
Billy... when I'm over my envy, and my awe... I might come back and talk to you.   ;)   Quote:Go on Einsteinians beat...
20th November 2016
I've never liked pizza. I don't know why. I eat it, I just don't enjoy it - a bit like doing chores.
20th November 2016